B'gn'n of my Nu Lyfe Jurney!! Feb 20-12 - April 20-12

Jun 15, 2012

 Just a Numerical Recap of my Progress on April 15, 2012 9:25 am
 well in 03/2010 i was ( 500 lbs ), then in 03/2011 ( was dwn a 163 lbs which made me at 337), then in gain back 45 of the 163 i lost 10/2011 keep n mind i lost all this weight on my own w/o any dietary supplements and on the day of my surgery 02/1/2012 i weight in at 391..on 02/14/2012 i lost 23lbs...last weigh n 04/11/2012 i am now at 348..with a combine total of 152..w/ surgery i have lost 43lbs and without i lost 109.just a lil re-hash of my numerical part of this journey to a nu-me..hope all is obtaining all of their wl goals and feel gr8t doing them.

 Motivational Thought 2 Remember:   
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends. 

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Thank U LORD!!!!
on March 25, 2012 5:12 am
Thank you, LORD, for another day.
Thank you for the sun and the deep blue sky.
Thank you for the cool Autumn air.
Thank you for eggs and bacon,
and toast with cinnamon.

Help me to remember
that all good things come from you,
And help me always to be thankful.

Dear Lord,

Help me to be good today.

Forgive me for the times I did what I wanted to do,
instead of what you wanted me to do.

Today is a new day, 
and I can 
start brand new
because you have forgiven me.

Help me to be a blessing today.
Use me to bring happiness to those you love.

Dear Lord, your love
is better than anything else in the world.
And you love me.
Help me always to remember that.

Thank you, LORD!
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))i(( HAPPY BORN DAY 2 MYSELF ))i(( on March 13, 2012 4:56 am

Today I want to give thanks to God for letting me see another year...happy and healthy...
Today is my birthday and God has moved mountains, worked miracles and unconditionally blessed me, my family and my friends this past year.
Since I was born, I feel like God has "kept" me and "covered" me.
So, for this I am grateful.

I ask that you join me in thanking God for this blessing and that you continue to pray that I may grow closer to Him/Her each passing day.

Thanks and be blessed....

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Today marks my ! month post-op (30 days) on March 1, 2012 6:49 pm
 Hppy ! month RNY anniversary to myself..I am in a state of mind where I am able to move around alot better and I also want to congratulate myself for making thruogh the 4 phrase of learning to tolerate food again (wasnt really a difficult task but a more daunting task). I am so excited about the journey ahead for my life..right now I really dont have any piks right but i will soon be posting some on here ASAP!!

Signing Off, 
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Update!! Prt 2 on February 3, 2012 5:16 pm
 I was call'd down @ arund 1230 or 1300pm. Once, we arriv'd doens tairs my family and i part'd ways..then arund 1500-1530pm I was tak'n back to rm #5 wea I was being prep for surgery wea all remains a blur to me..once I was woke I notic'd I was in the recovery area. Arund 2100pm I was brought up to my rm #379 wea my family (mother and fiance was waiting) for me..this is the way I was looking once I was out of surgery so plz DNT LAUGH @ DIS PICTURE all went WELLAfter da Surgery Be the first to leave a comment.

