new goal

Jan 05, 2013

My original goal was to get to 137 pounds, this being the weight i was when i was 16 years old i figured it would be a good goal, well now i want to get down to 130 pounds, according to my frame and height i just think this is a good weight for me and if i'm going to have some skin removed i want to leave some room for the swelling weight and weight i may gain related to me not being able to exercise while i am healing. I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping here lately, i have never had much trouble sleeping in my entire life so this is very new and strange to me. I am so happy to have lost a little less than my entire body weight, i actually had someone who i haven't seen in over a year ask me where my other half was and at 1st i thought they was referring to my ex-husband lol, felt really good when i realized they was speaking of the weight i have lost. I'm so ready to be in MTY already, i feel like i have been obsessing over it so much and it just can't get here fast enough.

