Going back to work

Feb 11, 2011

It has been a month since my surgery and I need to go back to work.  I can do most things now.  Still have a bit of trouble picking things up off the floor.  I think I have the diet down pretty good, but at least every other day, something goes in my mouth that doesn't agree with me.  The only problem I do have is picking things up off the floor and still can't sleep on my side.  Not sure if that is from the WLS or Gallbladder removal. 

I have been getting out every day, shopping or visiting and have such good sleeps at  night.  I find I need to get up at least once a night to have some water. My treadmill is dusted off so tonight for the first time in two years it  will see some action.

So two more days of being inside and Monday I am back to the grind.  Weight is not coming off as fast as I hoped but hopefully this too will change. A steady five pounds a week give or take is about my average thus far. 



About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 16, 2010
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