A "Blah" day

Jul 29, 2010

 Don't know what it is....but this week has been a very LOW week as far as motivating myself to get going. Hmmmmm ......... I think it might be because I am in mourning.  I'm a teacher and school starts Aug the 9th.....sigh......   I know parents across the US are jumping for joy!

Don't wanna preach but it takes a LOT to teach.  Summers are no longer "FREE" ...there seems to be this thought that we teachers do nothing during the summer.  Where do you think lesson plans come from?  How about preping classrooms and ourselves for new students, new textbooks and new expectations from people in the various government agencies that haven't been in classrooms in decades or never..... ok....I'm stopping.....yep...I think that's it.....I'm mourning....

For some reason I have really been into ME this summer.  For the first time in a long time I have truly enjoyed just being....
.....being with friends, enjoying my home and family, enjoying who I have become.  But reality is, I wouldn't be the me I now enjoy without those darn students in my life....I do actually MISS the boogers during the time away.

Well....I've stalked the boards, written on this blog, facebook and everything else I can find...time to stop procrastinating, damn it!!!   GET MOVING...    

Ok, Ok..self...I hear laundry and bathrooms waiting to be clean again....  
i can do it.... i can do it.....I CAN do it....I CAN DO IT !!!!
Whew, I feel better now 

Hang in there fellow losers.......we CAN do it and ARE!!!!!


About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 23, 2010
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