Love my Size 18's

Jan 07, 2013

I finally saw myself in the mirror today as a size 18.  I saw my gut shrinking.  i wish my boobs would follow suit but I will take what I can get.  The girls must like their plump status and I would prefer a deflated status.  I'll talk to them later.  Because I have a whole new wardrobe!  I have had 2 18gallon bins in the basement for 4 1/2 years.  The bins contained clothes that were a size 18.  I had kept them in hopes of one day again reaching my lowest weight (in years) of 210lbs.  Today I am 213lbs.  My first mini goal though is 199lbs so I am still striving for that one. 

I have found food wise that I am afflicted with carb coma.  I was eating nachos last week and immediately after eating I fell asleep on the couch.  I woke up and was like "what the heck?"  I had no clue why I fell asleep - it was just odd.  I do suffer oddities from time to time like falling down a flight of steps and losing footwear as I go down - or getting a foot stuck under a rug and somersautling in the air to land flat on my back.  So falling asleep mid-day was just an oh well must have been tired moment.  Then over the weekend I ate a handful of crackers.  I was on my computer sitting on the sofa and the next thing I know I am waking up an hour later going what just happened.  Then Sunday I was reading the boards and someone posted a question about carb dumping and a lot of responses were geared towards this carb coma.  Good Lord it was all explained to me.  I cannot have sweets - I cannot have crackers.  I should be losing weight like an anorexic.  But alas I am not.  Still moving at a snails pace and scared to death of eating crackers or carbs at work for fear of knocking myself out right at my desk.  I clearly have no control over this carb coma and it hits me like a mack truck.  Fast and out! 


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Jan 03, 2003
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