Thought I would post this today - My hospital experience.

Nov 24, 2012

I am four weeks post-op and I am sure there are lots of different experiences. Mine was - admitted to hospital and called back to preop. I was hooked to an IV, given one medication by mouth for acid reflux and nausea. Then a sedative was injected into my IV and I was given a breathing treatment because of my asthma. The sedative was also a amnesia drug so that I would forget a lot of my experiences. My mom was with me the whole time in pre-op. The surgeon, physician assistant, and anesthesiologist all came to talk to me and tell me what to expect. They all verified information an had me sign papers. When they took me back is when my mom went to the waiting room. In the OR, I was moved to a stationary bed and was getting prepped for all of 5 minutes before I had a mask on my face and was out. I don't even remember where I woke up or when. I don't even know what my first memory was. I was at some point in my room and my mom was there. I slept a lot the first day. They got me up and walking that evening and I did have a foley cath in so that was uncomfortable. It was taken out the next day. My IV was not removed until the 2nd day when I was released. I was not in terrible pain at the hospital. Only one time my pain level went up to a 4 and that was because I had gas which got painful in my lower abdomen. I could feel it moving around and yet couldn't seem to pass it. I had to wear the oxygen nose thing for a little over two days because my oxygen level would drop when they took me off it. I had my swallow test the morning of day 2 and once it showed there were no leaks I was given liquid breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was able to eat a few bites of broth and about half a popsicle. My biggest issue was a prescription for Prevacid that I was sent home with. My insurance would not cover the Prevacid because it is a $280 medication. My surgeon had to all my insurance company to get a prior authorization and this took five days. I was without the medication and that was scary at a new post-op just because everything at that point was worrisome. I wish I had known there was going to be a prescription that I could have planned ahead of time and had it taken care of before my surgery.

Overall everything went smoothly and my recovery has been pretty typical - minus the strained stomach muscles. I had no energy for 2 weeks. Taking a shower was exhausting. I barely moved and would take naps and fall asleep at any time. It was week three that I finally started feeling normal again.


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Jan 03, 2003
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