
Jan 25, 2011

 Okay so I have been crazy busy at school and didn't get to the gym this week or last week! Since my surgery (Dec. 15th) I have lost 35 lbs as of this past Friday. I am still having issues getting in my protein along with pureed foods. Although I have been eating a lot of soup and just chewing it up a lot to make it pureed. I think I am doing pretty well other then the not getting in the exercise time. That should change tomorrow though since I will head to the hospital for clinical's and I will be running around like crazy when I am there...that should count as a little bit of exercise at least! Anyway, I have felt pretty good once I got over my bit of opiate withdrawal when I stopped taking my pain medication and couldn't sleep for almost a week. I am finally trying to get organized with school and get things done early. I really really just wish it was May already so I could be done with school but that is just not gonna happen. Hubby is home though he got here right before New Year Eve and has been an angel with cleaning up the house while i am going stir crazy with assignments. He is on leave for two weeks and has been cleaning when not playing video games or World of Warcraft. I am doing good with all my vitamin intake and meds other then Nexium just cause it tastes so nasty I cant seem to force it down unless I am super stressed and think i need it so I don't worsen my ulcers. I think I just need to start waking up earlier to do some kind of workout prior to class. That is going to be my new goal....wake up earlier and workout before class. 


About Me
Pearl City, HI
Sep 02, 2010
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