Tri-Care Prime

Feb 27, 2011

Well, I found out the day that Dr. Nag took off the heart monitor that my insurance did not approve the visit to his office.  So, now I have to pay out of pocket, the echo-cardiogram (which shows the murmer, (leaking valves), and the 24 heart monitor.  The billing agency was really kind to me and said that I could pay on a payment schedule once I get the actual bill in the mail, $717.00) < Looks like I won't be bothering my husband for money this month...LOL

My primary doctor corrected my stats chart and noted that I'm no longer 5'10.5" tall, that in fact, I'm only 5',9" tall.  He also had Betsy refer me to another doctor to get "endoscopy" done on the upper G.I.  and she sent a referal out for pulmonary tests.

I have been approved for a sleep study, but have not arranged an appointment with lab, because of scheduling issues that they are having this month.

Outside of being completely swamped with referrals and appointments and homework for my college courses, I'll be okay.

Today I turned in a 6 page essay for toxicology "The dose makes the poison" -- hoping I earn a high mark.
and I turned in my paper for environmental epidemiology -- I'm not sure I even care about my environmental health course, because it's dull, dull, dull. 
More tomorrow or "when-ever"

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