First posting 12-30-2010

Dec 29, 2010

Hi Everyone! I'm so glad I found this site. I have been looking for something like this but have had no luck. A bit about me. I'm 32  I have a wonderful husband. As a child I didn't have a weight issue. But It seems like after I started to have children my weight just kept getting worse and worse. I have tried several different diet pills/plans I would just gain the weight back. Nothing was working. I would go to the gym and see little to no results. I was thinking about do the surgery a few years ago. But found out I was pregnant with my daughter. So i had to put it off.  In the mean time. I had always did so much research on the different surgery's.  I am still undecided if I want the Banding or the by pass. I'm REALLY LEANING towards the Banding. I feel its the right time to get the process started. I'm ready for the life change. I'm done having children. I want to enjoy my children. Right now I can still play catch and ball with them. But I know I would be a much better Mom if I felt better about myself. I want to do so much more with my kids. And because of my weight it prohibits that. I don't look at this as a quick fix. But more as a tool to help me lose the weight and see results. I have been to my first information meeting. I'm ready to move forward. All I have to do now is just make my first appointment. I have already talked to my insurance company. Praise God because it is covered. Something I was told was a very huge reason why problem can't get this done. I hope to gain some friends on here. Maybe share your store with me. My biggest concern is the extra skin. I don't want to be a size 6 But someday I want to put on a dress and feel good in it. And I want to teach my kids that being healthy is a good thing...God bless!!

