Getting in touch with my "INNER GIRLIE"!

Apr 25, 2011

Wow! Has it almost been a YEAR since I last checked in?  YIKES! Time is FLYING by! I guess that's what happens when you're having fun!

Life with my DS is still good.  I am up 20 pounds though from last year.  This morning I weighed in at 193, 2 pounds down from my 195 last week when I was on my period.  I'm not freaking out about it though.  It seems that during "that time of the month" my body retains fluid (even though I'm drinking at least 48 oz of water most days (probably more on others).    Because as soon as my period is over, the scale starts to move in the other direction as evidenced by today.  So I try not to sweat it, but I don't want to ever get back to weighing over 200 lbs.  So I'll cut back a little more on the carbs just to keep myself in line for the next two weeks.  

Size wise, I am still a size 10 and I still am referred to as being "SKINNY" although my BMI now tells me that I am officially "OVERWEIGHT".  I bet you if they cut this loose, flappy skin off my thighs and the back of my arms, I'll easily be back in normal range! LOL!  For the first time, I'm actually considering plastic surgery for my arms and maybe my legs if it doesn't involve a lateral cut around my waist to lift the skin. It's pure vanity, I know, but wearing a bathing suit and shorts in the summertime always gives me mental grief because my butt looks like a little sharpei dog! As long as I'm covered up, I feel fine which doesn't work in 90 to 100 degree weather!

My iron levels seem to have leveled off.  Taking B-12 injections more frequently helps my energy levels.  But getting rid of my former place of employment has helped the most! That job was sooooo stressful that it literally was KILLING me.  I am so glad to be rid of that place! WHEW!  I like my new job too.  It's awesome and the benefits are the bomb! Thank God for THAT blessing!

So overall, I am feeling good.  Lately, I have been learning how to apply makeup and I am totally becoming a makeup and hair addict!  I have been watching tutorials on how to apply makeup and how to do your own hair and have become OBSCESSED with getting in touch with my "inner girlie".  Before, I would never have put makeup on to go to work.  Some mascara and maybe some lip gloss with a pony tail were my normal go-to styles.  But now, I'm totally glammed out with foundation, eyeshadows, blush, LASHES, and the whole nine!  I must say, combined with the weight loss and lowered stress level, I haven't looked or felt this great in YEARS!!  Everyone who sees me now who knew me before, says the same thing! 

I feel like I'm playing catch-up! Like I totally skipped the clothes and makeup phase when I was a teenager and now I'm going back to learn what I should have learned how to do then.  But it's still cool because now, I'm a grown- ass woman with a bank account to buy whatever the hell pleases me! HA!

Earlier this year, I even had the nerve to enter a nationwide photo beauty contest and made it to the final  top 10!!  I didn't win, but that's pretty cool considering that I'm 43 and I wasn't wearing any makeup other than some mascara and lip gloss in the picture!!  

The name of the game for me right now is just to enjoy my journey.  I'm not where I will eventually wind up, but I must remember not to get so caught up in the climb that I forget to take in the beautiful scenery all around me on my way UP!

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About Me
Bel Air, MD
Surgery Date
Oct 20, 2006
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22 months post op and STILL LOSING!!
I've become the woman I used to HATE!!
20 Mos Post-Op: The Window is still open!
