Surgery Date and I start Optifast today!

Mar 22, 2011

I sit here at my desk after waking up a half hour ago. I will be making my first shake in about a half an hour. First need my first coffee of the day even though it is decaf, I still need it. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to have coffee with milk with the pre-surgery Optifast diet. I am making a mental note to check out once again all my written material they have given me about diet, etc. So much to remember!

My surgery date is April 13! That is coming up fast! I am hoping that I can perhaps attract a few people out there who will be having Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery around the same time, so we can make comparisons.

The worst thing that could happen is if they call me after I have started this Optifast diet and then cancel the date and reschedule it for another later date. This happens quite often. After you line everyone up (you tell your friends and family) and psych yourself up for that date and then they postpone it for one reason or another.

Anyhow, I will not let myself get into negative feelings. Must remain postive. I heard that after about 3 days on Optifast your body will be in ketosis and then you will not have feelings of hunger. Just need to get through the next 3 days. I have warned my family that I will not be cooking for the next few days for them and they will be on their own in the kitchen.

I need to take my before and after pictures today and hope to post them on this blog later.

Take care my friends and soon to be friends?



About Me
Ottawa, XX
Surgery Date
Mar 03, 2011
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