Community Goals

Walk 1 mile almost everyday until I can do it in 15 minutes. Then start 2 miles.

I want to do this


I want to walk AT LEAST 5 days a week.


Started walking around the condo complex and it much easier now even after my first 17lbs of weight.


Cant quite hit it in 15 yet but I'm close


OR the elliptical trainer:)


I've started the Leslie Sansone walking dvd's and love them. I just have to make a commitment to it

Kristy A.

Walk a mile 6 days a week until I can do it in 15 minutes. Then up the distance to 2 miles.

Sherri G.

I started on this religiously on 08/30/2007. I was at 32 minutes. I am now down around 22 to 24.


I am currently walking 1/2 mile 5 days a week.
