Xpost- Almost a Year and STILL not at GOAL and the SKIN OMG wow....too much...

on 1/30/12 3:29 am - elkton, MD
So I uploaded some new pics today you can see

I don't know, I  know I was a "lightweight" supposively to start with but Feb 17th will be a year and I am still not at goal or below to allow some bounce back etc..... i've been at freakin 148/150 steady for FREAKIN MONTHS....WHY?????

I am tracking my food ..... I don't go over 1200 cal. a day / protein in etc...

OK I need to pick up my work out, yes I did slide some on that due to a recent death in the family that pretty much blind sided us two days prior to xmas...

BUT HONESTLY everyone seems to be at or below goal by their one year

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?????????????????????????

don't get me wrong I am EXCITED that 100lbs is gone, I guess I was excited wondering what it would look like @ 125 lbs I'm getting married in October and really would love to be at that.

Also, the SKIN is driving me so crazy. I feel so ugly. I mean I can wear a size 5 or 7 depending but my god I still have to wear bigger shirts to hide this very ugly stomach, when I look in the mirror and see the tops of my legs, stomach, top of my arms I CRINGE like OMG honestly?

I mean how do I pay for plastic surgery? No one is going to finance me or else I would jump on it like you know what!!!!

Roz !!!!
on 1/30/12 4:27 am - Butler, PA
I wasn't at goal in a year.  I think I was about 4 months passed when I hit my low and thought I was to thin.  It was then that I increased my intake so I would stop losing so I don't know how long it would have taken me to get to what my body thought was goal but you still have at least 5 months to get where I was at.

Increase your protein for 3 days or so and then drop back down if you are in a stall.  It might get you losing again.


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

Price S.
on 1/30/12 4:40 am - Mills River, NC
You still have loosing time until about 18 months.  I found that even if the calories were the same, if I was eating carbs over about 30 net, I wasn't losing well.  With the same calories and less carbs, I went back to losing some each week, then every week or so at the end. 

You are young and have a better possibility for skin improvement than those of us who are older.  It depends on genes, how long you were heavy, where you carried you weight, etc but it takes a while to redistribute.  I just wear elbow lenght sleeves and capris instead of short sleeves and shorts.  I'll deal with the skin to look great in clothes and have so many possiblites I didn't have before.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 1/30/12 4:57 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
Price, I wanted to ask you about the carb counting.  I'm just starting to count now because it is the thing most needing watching for me.  I'm going to try to limit my carbs to about 50 or below and see how I do with that.

Should I just not count my vegetable carbs at all.  e.g. dinner tonight will be kale and 1/4 apple which is 15 carbs - should I just ignore it in my counts?  I know I should count crackers (if I have them) - should I count what is in my almond milk or skim milk?

My surgeon's advice didn't include counting carbs becasue they say no pasta, bread, rice or white potato etc the first year (probably good advice)  They say I'll get the carbs from my veg and it's the protein I should be counting (which I do)  I still want to count carbs though because it's going to sneak in there somewhere with me.  A dollop of sauce here, spoon or two of rice there.  I want to get used to knowing what is on my plate so counting and being more aware will be easier.

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

Price S.
on 1/30/12 5:26 am - Mills River, NC
my plan was for only one starch a day and to not count carbs.  However, I found I did better counting all carbs.  Yes, I do have all the veggies I want basically, I limit fruit.  I find that greek yogurt, or any yogurt doesn't fill me up for long at all so I have it as a treat but not often because I am just hungry afterward.  I don't use milk often at all, maybe in decaf in the afternoon but not in my morning decaf or in my hot chocolate protein.  So if I am just eating veggies and occasionally a milk product, the carbs just don't add up to much.  I allow myself an occasional low carb wrap or pancake with protein or something like that but don't eat them as a regular.  I do love cheese grits and do that for breakfast sometimes.  I've started eating a "cute" orange from time to time.  Mainly, I stay away from white anything, corn, etc.  I have always considered beans ok and a good carb.  I get net carbs by taking the fiber grams away from the total grams.

What I tend to not always count is fat and i hope it doesn't someday come back and bite me in the butt. 

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 1/30/12 5:01 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
Well your photo looks great.   I don't have loose skin yet but think I might end up with some.  My genes are good (mum's about 83 and looks like she is in her early 60's - but then she was never fat.  I'm also 46 so there's that.

Did you lose a lot off your face?  It looks great, no loose skin there.  I think I'm going to end up with loose skin on my face because I have a really fat face.

Maybe you will be able to finance later to have skin removed??

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

Lee ~
on 1/30/12 8:25 am - CA
My surgery was exactly one year before yours.  February 17, 2010.  Best day of my life!!

I had the VSG but I continued losing during year two.  At 11 months out I was 168 pounds so I really started counting carbs much more carefully.  I was already exercising at least 7 hours a week so that was ok.  I did add 2 pilates classes a week to my walking routine.

The losing continues.  Don't limit your thoughts and for goodness sake, don't compare yourself to others.  I was such a slow loser that I had to really come to terms with the comparison stuff.

I understand about the skin.  At 61, my skin was not going to bounce back so I ended up going to Mexico for plastic surgery last month.  I have have two guys to thank for how I look today.  My VSG surgeon and my plastic surgeon.  I'll be forever grateful to them both.

Loverofcats will probably jump in here and give you great advice about weight training and toning to help with the skin issues.  You're young and will probably do great. 

Be proud of that size 5 or 7.  Look at how far you've come!! Congrats on your upcoming 1 year anniversary. 

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

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