How to deal with running around without food.

on 10/29/11 10:25 am - PA
I agree this has been the most difficult part.  But I too have learned that I can go a whole day an not eat. (I've had to do that on a couple of business trips recently)  If I've eaten carbs earlier in the day, it won't work, but if I've just had protein, then my blood sugar is nice and stable, so I'm fine. 

...On the other hand, if I've eaten in the last hour, it seems impossible that I'd be able to go 4-6 hours without eating
Consult:239   SW:217  1mo:195  2mo:182  3mo:169   6mo:139  9mo GOAL CW: +2 from underweight
on 10/29/11 5:05 am
At this stage I usually have a protein bar in my purse but most of the time I can find something I can eat pretty much wherever I go.  My go to's are Taco Bell (pintos and cheese no sauce, crunchy taco), Wendy's chili, any place with a cheese burger with no bun, KFC grilled chicken, any place that has a salad with grilled chicken, Jack in the Box grilled chicken strips, to name a few.  Granted I rarely have to eat those things, mainly due to my budget more then anything else, but they are there if I need to.
Usually I can get by with my water until I get home, or I can buy a bag of nuts at 7-11.  I also sometimes grab a can of a RTD protein shake if I think I will be gone for a while.  

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Monique A.
on 10/29/11 9:29 am
If you are really stuck, Starbucks make a great latte. For 170 calories you get a
Decaf Venti (large) fat free latte
Sugar Free Hazelnut syrup
3 scoops of protein.
=170 calories and 34 proteins!  make a lovely treat and goes down smooth.
Kermit P.
on 10/29/11 9:36 am
Like the others said, I often have a little igloo in my car and I come you get off soft foods it gets easier.  I try to always have a protein bar in my purse. Right now get an cooler and try some ready to drink protein drinks....even today, I grabbed a grocery bag and two freezer thingeys and threw in a piece of cheese a RTD protein drink and a protein bar as I knew I would be out and about. 

This gets easier as you can eat more things......BUT being prepared helps take the worry away.

Good luck!!


p.s. most people stall at 2-3 weeks....give it a week or two and the scale will start moving......
HW/232       CW/145.2       GW/???
on 10/29/11 10:28 am
Hi, I'm in Georgia too.

I have an insulated lunch box.  I put ice in a zip lock freezer bag and put in my lunch box.  I have to travel for work some days and I carry my shaker bottles with my dry protein in them.  I have water in my lunch box and I take crystal lite sticks so I can make my protein drinks.

I also use the small plastic containers with lids and take something like egg salad.  I also take a greek yogurt and mix crystal lite in it.

I love Wendy's chili.  I also like the Wendy's Grilled Chicken Apple Pecan salad - 1/2 order.  I do not eat out much anymore because that was a  major problem area for me before WLS.  I ate out every meal and just don't want to get back into that habit again.  If I have to I can go almost anywhere and just order a meat and salad. 

I doubt that there is anyway you could have stretched your pouch.  Sometimes your body gets used to things and you have to change them up to start dropping weight again.

Good luck.

14.5 lost pre-surgery  5'1 1/2"                                      LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
(deactivated member)
on 10/29/11 1:08 pm - Missoula, MT
 Forgive me if this sounds off, but if I am reading correctly, you are just shy of 2 weeks post op?  Don't stress about the scale not moving at this point.  Be very careful what foods you eat, your stomach is still healing.  I can't imagine your pouch stretching already, you shouldn't have been able to eat enough to do that yet.  Don't rush into fast food, you should really go for a cooler with yogurts, etc.  If you can't do that, stop at a gas station or grocery store, you can usually find individual string cheese or a fat free yogurt to hold you off until you can get home.  Good luck!
on 10/29/11 11:09 pm
I  made a food schedule last night.  I am so afraid. Today I am up a pound.  I know that they say I should be up to soft foods but I am not sure if I should.  I think I am not going to thing about soft foods for a while and just try to get most of my protein in as I can every 3 hours.  Man this making so confused.  Thanks for all your help
Lee ~
on 10/30/11 1:04 am - CA
Follow the plan that your surgeon gave you.  Your best thinking got you onto the operating table.  The surgeons give us a food plan because we don't know how to properly treat our body post op.  They know what we need and what we can tolerate.  Cutting back probably won't give you the scale results that you want in the long run.  There were people in my Kaiser group that thought they would outsmart the surgeons by not eating and it got them into a mess of trouble.  Don't create a new eating dis-order by doing it your way.  That probably hasn't worked so well in the past and probably won't work now either.  If you're worried about the scale, take a walk.  Do something positive.  Starving yourself isn't positive.

Make a good list of how to get around the situation when you're out.  If there is a fast food joint, there's probably a 7-11 close by.  They always have cheese sticks, yogurt, cottage cheese etc.  We only have trouble when we allow our old thinking to get in the way.  Be creative!  You're going to love your new body.

My second month post-op I shed 3 pounds the entire month.  As all the lightweights can attest, I have been the slowest loser on this board.  Fighting hard for every pound shed.  All I can tell you is that it does come off eventually if we stick to plan.  It didn't go on in a day and it won't come off in a day either.  Love yourself in the process and pat yourself on the back for all the good work you're doing. 

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 10/30/11 2:50 am
RNY on 10/25/10 with
Everyone's suggestions were really good ones, so I can't think of any to add.

I will say though, that I hardly ever had a stall during my journey EXCEPT at about 10 days out. I halted easily for 10-14 days or something to that effect. I avoided those scales for a handful of days, and of course was insecure...

When I did step back on, BAM! I was down 6 more. It is best to avoid the scales. And remember, 2 pounds a day sure was exciting, but that is only in the beginning UNLESS you start with a really high BMI. Once you hit one month out, the loss is much closer to a "realistic" dieter. Except we CONTINUE to lose steadily. Hang in there, you'll see!
(deactivated member)
on 10/30/11 6:18 pm
 Congratulations Lee on Ur hundred lb weight loss !   WOW  !!    and good luck with the plastics   ;) 
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