Havng a hard time today

on 7/27/11 11:28 am - GA
I'm at the soft food stage, two weeks out from surgery.  I've already experienced the dumping syndrome twice and it is FAR from pleasant as I'm sure some of you know.  I am severely lactose intolerant so the protein powders I've been using pre-op are no longer tolerated.  In fact they make me dump.  UGH.  I'm going to my surgeon's office tomorrow to look for something lactose free.  

As for today all I've had is lowfat (low carb, low sugar, diabetic friendly) yogurt, soft (mashed as fine as possible without pureeing) chicken, and a small bit of boiled egg mixed with a bit of reduced fat mayo.  I'm thinking it was the egg that did it.  Anywho, I'm better but still feeling irpy.  I've cried a lot today because I'm having a hard time finding a happy place where food and protein meet that doesn't make me sick.  Everytime I eat anything I get a gnawing feeling in my intestinal area.  Every single time.  Water is about the only thing I can drink that doesn't bother me.  Fortunately I like water.  I'm going to look for either Syntrax or Isopure - the sample bottles of the Isopure I was given tasted ok and didn't bother my intestines at all.  Chicken broth doesn't bother me.  The list of foods the NUT gave me doesn't tell me much other than what to eat and what not to eat.  I'm trying desperately to find ways to fix these foods that 1) doesn't make me hurt and 2) is appealing. 

I feel like a whiny-box today.  Still not completely over this evening's dump session.  Found a temporary solution for the protein supplement to get me through until tomorrow.  Sigh...I dunno...I needed to vent I guess.  I am taking my supplements but I'm still so tired so I guess the fibro is still there.  Hubby is sympathetic to the lactose intolerant issue cos he is too.  But he's only able (or so he says) to be understanding up to a point.  I don't regret the surgery...I think if I can find a happy place with protein and food then I'd be happier period.

Does any of this make sense?  I really am trying.

Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all professions possible.  —David Haselkorn
on 7/27/11 11:39 am - Riverdale, GA
Oh hun, I am sorry that you're having such a difficult time. I'm still pre op ****il Tuesday) so I have no advice. Just support and understanding. ((((hugs))) I hope you can figure out what works for you really soon.             -Julie
"It's not what is taken from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."-Hubert Humphrey

Kermit P.
on 7/27/11 12:18 pm
I was pretty much on liquids the first three weeks.....I know you don't want to do just liquids and are limited by the lactose issue.  I have seen people post about trying soy protein drinks and I would try this OR try soy milk only....even almond milk (check the sugars though as I have never had that).  Right now the main worry is getting in the fluids....the protein will come.   One thing that really helped me is making protein pudding.....if you can find a protein powder you can tolerate, you can mix two scoops with a box of sugar free pudding and then mix with 2 cups of soy milk......this might sit okay on your tummy.  Again I didnt try this until about a month out.

The first weeks were the hardest for me emotionally.  Once I transitioned to pureed/softs, life felt so much better.  Do not push yourself onto too many new foods right now....your tummy is healing and this is why it is grumpy.

Good luck and hopefully others on here will have more suggestions.

HW/232       CW/145.2       GW/???
on 7/27/11 12:35 pm - GA
Thanks Julie and Jennifer for the support.  I know things will get better.  I am content with just liquids for now since I was used to that before surgery.  I did find Isopure unflavoured protein powder online so I may give that a try too.  At first I thought it was the milk I was using for the shakes so I went to lactose free milk.  After I kept getting sick I realized it wasn't just the milk, it was the powder. 

I'll definitely try the pudding with soy and the unflavoured protein.  I have to go back to work on August 4 so I need to find a happy medium by that time.  

Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all professions possible.  —David Haselkorn
(deactivated member)
on 7/28/11 9:47 pm, edited 7/28/11 9:47 pm
 Why unflavoured  ?    Banana  mixes  amazingly  well with just about everthing 4  me  ...  i use it as  a creamer in  my chai tea  and   for protein coffee  too  .  Another  great isopure flavor is cookies and cream  which is  good vanilla  but I still prefer the banana.  The vanilla  is marshmallowy though i can stomach it in coffee .  The isopure  flavorsare really not sweet (  Im a dumper too ) 

The ready made isopure  shakes taste like yogurt smoothies ( theyre orange -mango flavoed i think ) Expensive but  REALLY  REALLY good . 

Early post op  I hada really hard time  tolerating  anything too  ...  andI  used   vanilla chai latte  ready made soy  protein shake from Eden farms  available in  the produce section of higher -end  grocery stores  .   That one sat real well  ...  if Ure a chai tea latte fan  Ull probably  love it . 

on 7/28/11 10:51 pm - GA
I guess I was thinking that unflavoured would be a way to get protein in no matter what I ate.  I did buy a container of Mango Peach yesterday and so far it's ok.  At least it doesn't make me sick.  It's going to be an acquired taste and feel in my mouth I suppose but it is doable.  I do love teas so I may look for that one.  Thanks for the suggestion.  :-)
Teaching is the essential profession, the one that makes all professions possible.  —David Haselkorn
on 7/27/11 12:55 pm - GA
I am only one week post op tomorrow and I am already feeling hate and discontent for the protein shakes. I order the whey bullets today. They are ok with my Doc as long as they are whey and one shot will provide 43g of protein. I will get that down one way or another. I had the arterial bleed complication so I am not back to normal in the bowel area yet. Not sure what is the diet and what is clean up. Doc said to expect it. I am learning so much from those of you a tad ahead of me I almost feel guilty. Perhaps I can pay it forward and someone behind me can learn from some of my "school of hard knocks" lessons.
Ruthie D.
on 7/27/11 5:28 pm - Mayer, AZ

Hey Karen!  Let me see what I can think of to suggest that might help...

First off, you're just two weeks out and it's going to get better!!!  Your tummy (as well as the rest of your body) has a lot of adjusting to do so try to be patient with yourself.  Yes, it's important to get your protein in, but you will be okay for a bit while you find what will work for you.  Stay hydrated right now, and if chicken broth is what works, then drink chicken broth!  LOL 

Fage 0% Greek yogurt has 0 fat and 0 sugars.  You can add a sweetener to it to make it palatable and it is high in protein.  Regular yogurts are not near as high as the Greek ones, and there are good and not as good in the Greek ones too. 

I use a lot of dairy for my protein.  Does the lactose intolerance affect you being able to eat cheese or cottage cheese?  I buy hummus and mix it with cottage cheese for at least one of my meals every day.  Many folks use refried beans and mix them with yogurt and/or salsa.  You might want to scramble your eggs for a while longer rather than hard boil since you're having some sensitivity.

The Health Food ailse has those cartons of thick, creamy, bean soups that are tasty and maybe one of them would sit well in your tummy.  Are you remembering to take itty bitty bites and sips, and to give it time to process between them?  It takes time for everything to heal.  I don't recognize the gnawing feeling you are describing and suggest you call in to the surgeon to what they say about that symptom and what you can do to make it not hurt.

Syntrax Nectars, in the various fruit flavors, do not have lactose in them.  I believe it is only available online.  I personally use mybariatricpantry.com for mine.  Since it mixes with water, I get my protein and water in every day (although not at first, of course).  It has been a very valuable tool for me.

Even with taking your supplements, and especially on top of fibro, you are going to be tired for a while Karen.  Then your energy will probably come in spurts for a few months...  Give it time and recognize when you simply need to rest... period.

Hang in there, check with your surgeon about the pain, stay hydrated, don't give up, and most importantly... feel free to be a whiny box here any ol' time you need to.  LOL

Take care...

       LIFE'S a REACH...    and then you FLY!!!   
           HW = 224, SW = 204, CW = 124, GW = 119           
Price S.
on 7/27/11 9:07 pm - Mills River, NC
Come here to whine anytime.  We can take it and may have suggestions to make it better.

things will get better.  In the beginning, sometimes it doesn't seem so but it really will.

Unjury and others make a protein chicken broth that some find very helpful.  I used homemade chicken broth and unflavored protein in the beginning and it was yummy. 

My pouch was much happier with warm than cold anything.  Even room temp water was better than cold.  Herb teas were soothing and I added unflavored protein to that too.  I used Nectar unflavored but there are several kinds.

Lots of folks have trouble with eggs.  You may want to try egg beaters, they seem more tolerable for lots.

I could do oatmeal with unflavored protein pretty early out.  Yeah, it isn't low carb but you are only going to eat 1/4c so don't frett about it.

Cream soups were on our list early out.  You can mix them with soymilk, I used unsweetened plain and it gives you a non-sweet option.

Huggs and hope you are doing better today.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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on 7/27/11 9:28 pm
hey karen!  just wanted to say i hope you feel better really soon!  and as far as the fatigue goes.....i was totally exhausted for 5 weeks after my RNY!  i would have to sit and rest in the middle of making my bed!  it was awful!  my surgeon even did bloodwork to make sure i wasn't anemic.  when that test came back okay he told me to remember that i had been through major surgery and my body was using all it's energy to heal.  it bugged me because i'd read where others would come home from the hospital and walk a mile every day.  i just couldn't do it!  but...after 5 weeks i was able to start walking and haven't looked back!

hang in there sweetie!!!  it DOES get better!!

hugs and warm wishes to you today!!

Blessings,  J
HW 250.4/SW 238/1ST GOAL 155/2ND GOAL 150/CW 143.6
    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
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