Never reached goal, regaining...

on 7/10/11 3:07 pm, edited 7/10/11 3:37 pm - Ridgeway, VA
Hi all. I haven't been on the boards for quite some time. It's great to see some familiar faces and also lots of new ones. :)

I had RNY in Oct. 2007 and had no complications, lost to within 25 lbs of goal but never made it there. That was ok for me because I felt so much better, my pain was managable, much healthier than I ever had been. Since childhood anyway.

Within the last 6-7 months I've been rapidly gaining weight. About 45 lbs! I'm still making sure I watch closely what I eat, protein first, vitamins, drinking lots of water, etc..
For the past couple of weeks I have been bloated and having pain, gas-like pain..that radiates from my upper and lower abdomen and into my back. I have tried OTC gas pain relievers. It hasn't helped.

Not really sure what I've done wrong..or how to fix it. Thinking maybe I should have had DS after reading that so many are having issues after a few years out.

I'm depressed and I hurt. Due to the pain in my back and knee I'm not exercising as much as I should be. I do when I can. It helps.

Anyone else having similar problems?

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/11/11 1:24 am
Sometimes it is not how much we eat but what we eat. I need to stay really low carb or I start regaining. 
check the post: lories-do-we-need-to-eat-to-lose-weight-not/

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/11/11 11:56 pm
you should not ignore the pain in your abdomen especially if you have had RNY...go see your doctor and get it checked out...if your diet is clean then there should be no reason for you to be gaining weight back...again go to the of luck...but do not take abdominal pain lightly after RNY...SEAVIEW 
on 7/13/11 3:15 pm - Clarksville, TN
I really think you need to see your Weight Loss Surgeon or go see your PC doctor very soon. You need to find out what is causing the pain. Good luck

Mary Catherine
on 7/17/11 10:36 am
 Weight gain is common after we get a few years out.  The sooner you get back to your surgeon, the better chance you have of getting help.  Weigh****chers had a theory that it takes one month to lose weight for every year that we have carried it.   Attacking the problem quickly shortens the time it should take to loss again.

Your surgery is still there and can still be used to lose weight.  Some of the things that help me are eating very small meals very often, not drinking with meals, and paying attention to carbs and fat.

I no longer try to go back to weight loss surgery basics.  I try to follow a sensible diet.  I believe that I weight gained after surgery is quite difficult to lose.  Weigh****chers might be the perfect plan for you to follow once you talk to the doctor and make sure there are no medical problems.

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