What would you think about this?

on 7/20/17 9:08 pm, edited 7/20/17 9:09 pm

Hey folks,

One of the main problems I have faced post-surgery has been finding or coming up with food preparation ideas to stay within the protein/carbs/calories numbers but in the other side enjoy the food and being creative.

Instead of counting calories, I developed lists of daily meal plans I could follow every week - after researching, finding recipes and calculating daily macro nutritions.

I have heard a lot of people online asking for meal plans and I was thinking to turn this into a side project. I intend to bring hundred of meal plans for different stages of post-surgery, from different people like me who has gone through the process successfully, and allow anyone to filter based on preferences and to make wish lists they can follow: detailed daily/meal nutrition values, detailed cooking & how-to guides and shopping lists will also be part of each meal plan.

The question is: What do you think about this idea? Would you be interested? Would you pay for a service like this?

I am very interested to know what you think and if its worth to pursue this project?


on 7/21/17 12:34 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I personally would never been interested. I'm sure you'd get some that would surf through looking for ideas, but I don't think you'd get any if they had to pay. There are just far too many free places on the internet.

And there are already great WLS sites that are well established, like Eggface.

I also don't think, from what you've posted in the past, that your ideas are particularly WLS friendly. They have neen carb heavy, less dense protein focused, and often reward-based.

And, I'm not sure if you are really aware of what and how much you can eat, as a big man, compared to 99 percent of the members here, being women. I know for a fact there are very few that can eat nearly as much as I can without gaining.

That's my opinion.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 7/21/17 6:57 am, edited 7/21/17 12:19 am

Hi Grim

Yes, they are many places but the content is not organized and not easy to follow. They are a lot of blogs or instagram people to follow ... but I am talking about a platform to make a simple organizer and daily plans to follow.

And true. I have a different diet from most of what I read here. I did the surgery at University of Chicago Hospital (best in the world). I didn't have a liquid diet at all like most of people here. They was not as extreme as some of you are about carbs (although they was extreme about sugar). They taught me to focus on eating healthy and have a balanced diet. They didn't ask me to count the calories at all, as soon as I was eating healthy .... And I have already reached the goal by my surgeon, although I set a new goal for myself for which I am working to make it happen this year. Anyway, everyone has its own way and opinions are different ...

But this platform I mentioned is not my own diet/meal plans (although I will share mine as well). Its a network of people who has done it, or nutritionists who share their suggested daily meal plans . Content is curated, easy to access, easy to use. You can follow the plans you like, from people you like and who may have the same body structure, gender or surgery type as yours. It's a marketplace, not a blog. Its a win/win/win platform. You don't have to follow my diet at all ... but I assume you could benefit from it ... specially on the first year of your diet...

I am just thinking to build the platform ... I am not saying my plan is the best. However, from what I have seen online, hundred of people are looking/searching/requesting meal plans to follow ...

Thanks for your time.


Mary Gee
on 7/21/17 1:05 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

I have a WLS Recipes folder on my Favorites Bar. It includes links and recipes I've come across here. Also, many members include links when they post their daily menus. And there's also the Recipe forum. oh, and let's not forget WLS Facebook pages!. All of these are free.

Like you, I've developed my own daily menu ideas, and use features in the Recipe section of My Fitness Pal for ease in meal planning and tracking.

True, sometimes I have to go to My Fitness Pal to get the nutritional breakdown of a recipe, but not often.

My cup runneth over!


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 7/21/17 7:02 am
On July 21, 2017 at 8:05 AM Pacific Time, Mary Gee wrote:

I have a WLS Recipes folder on my Favorites Bar. It includes links and recipes I've come across here. Also, many members include links when they post their daily menus. And there's also the Recipe forum. oh, and let's not forget WLS Facebook pages!. All of these are free.

Like you, I've developed my own daily menu ideas, and use features in the Recipe section of My Fitness Pal for ease in meal planning and tracking.

True, sometimes I have to go to My Fitness Pal to get the nutritional breakdown of a recipe, but not often.

My cup runneth over!

Maybe I was not clear. This is not a platform with recipes. This is a platform to make a long term daily meal plans recommended by people who has done this before.

Here is an example of the content I am referring too. The concept is like this, but WLS friendly of course https://www.dropbox.com/s/ogggs7hj8crrd7j/IMG_1161.jpg?dl=0

Mary Gee
on 7/21/17 1:14 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14
White Dove
on 7/21/17 1:46 am - Warren, OH

I would not pay a monthly fee, but would consider an app fee like $1.99

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 7/21/17 4:36 am

I wouldn't pay. Too many sites out there already offering this info for free. However, some people do make money with blogs and YouTube videos through ads and clicks and followers and advertiser sponsorships. May be an option for you. Just know that what you offer in terms of content would need to be compelling and interesting. And even then, there is lots of competition, and even specifically targeted to the Bariatrics population. I love the eggface content, even tho I haven't tried any of the recipes yet. What I like is perusing the site and getting ideas on lifestyle food choices, and seeing what kind of cooking ideas she has. That's helpful, so if I do get into the mood to cook again, I have some ideas. Same as I used to do with many non-Bariatric recipe sites. Thanks eggface.

Surgery date May 4, 2017

HW 290. Start weight 229. Day of Surgery 209. Month 2: 190. Month 3: 182. Month 4: 174. Month 5: 164. Month 6: 159. Month 7: 153. Month 8: 147. Month 9: 145. Month 10: 142. Month 11: 138 Month 12: 137. Month 13: 139 Month 14: 131. Month 15: 130. Month 16: 131. Month 17: 128. 162 pounds lost!!

Two year anniversary upon me in 3 days: 136. Need to lose a few pounds..

Citizen Kim
on 7/21/17 4:50 am - Castle Rock, CO

Unfortunately, you're about 10 years too late. Congrats on your weightloss success!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/21/17 7:05 am

Can you send me an example on something similar to this?

I am not referring to blogs, youtubers or instagrames. I am talking for a platform/network/app - sort of social media.

PS: I don't think I am late. That's what they sad about Yummly as well, but they raised about $8mln so far https://angel.co/yummly

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