Um, seriously??

on 12/30/14 9:59 pm, edited 12/30/14 10:00 pm

My surgery isn't something I tell most people except close friends and family. It's not something I announce on Facebook or whatever because I don't feel like ex-classmates, ex boyfriends, co-workers, etc. need to know about it. If someone I don't know that well asks me how I lost weight one on one, I'll usually tell them if I feel comfortable enough. After yesterday, I think I'll put a stop to that too.

I bought a ring off one of those yard-sale type sites. My engagement ring is way too big now, so I got a great deal on another one, which I figured will hold me over until I'm done losing so I can get my ring sized. Anyway, the girl decided to be 'best friends' with me and has emailed and texted me ever since. I explained the reason for the new ring is my weight loss.

Last night, she asked me how I lost the weight, so I just told her the truth. I ended up getting called 'stupid', 'taking the easy, quick fix way out', and her saying 'that is nothing I would *ever* do to my body'. She also said "I bet you're really proud of yourself", which I assume was sarcasm.

Well, guess what? This girl weighs maybe 130 pounds. Where I on the other hand was nearly 300 pounds and miserable and have been my whole entire life.

This girl lives in my hometown and now she knows my most personal information, so she could go around telling exactly the people I don't want knowing about it. I'm just hopeful I don't hear from her anymore. I quit responding after what she said, so maybe she got the point.

The morale of this story? Don't judge people unless you walk a mile in their shoes..and by that, I mean don't judge people, period.

I really just needed to vent. Normally, I would tell my friends this kind of stuff, but most of them initially judged me when I told them about the surgery too, so it's not something they'd understand either.

on 12/30/14 10:09 pm - Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada

Oh Crap! Well hopefully she has some integrity and keeps her mouth shut. I told anyone who wanted to know or not. My thoughts were if no one had told me I would never have gotten the surgery. So I figured if me talking helps one other person then that is a bonus. As far as negative people, well they are just that and they will eventually get theirs. But for me I am focusing on the positive side of things. Maybe I live in a bubble but it's mine :-). And by the way I know of three people now who had the surgery or are having and living a better life style.

Good Luck and be proud of the fact that you took this step to save your life. You are one very brave soul. You are awesome and worth it and what other people think of you; really is none of your business. You are an amazing person on an amazing journey! Hugs!

  Dr Ponce de Leon Mexico     VSG 4 Jun 12. I lost 57 lbs on my own before having a VSG. This is by far the best thing I have ever done for myself.


(deactivated member)
on 12/30/14 10:13 pm

I can only imagine what that was like for you.  Some people think that just because they have an opinion, everyone wants to hear it.  I believe an opinion only has value when it is asked for!  

I am only in the beginning stages.  I have told my mom and best friends and a few work related people (so they know it will effect the schedule).  So far everyone has been supportive.  Many have shown concern but still supportive.  I wince every time I talk to a new person about it because I fear that they will say something unkind.  You know what, good people don't say unkind things.  Consider the source and move on with your life!  She aint worth it!

on 12/30/14 11:50 pm

Normal-weight people who have always been what I call "sticks" have absolutely no understanding of obesity and obesity-related problems. Even those who are sympathetic don't really get it. My sister, who has always been a "stick," once told me in a puzzled manner, "I've never had a problem controlling what I eat. It's so easy." My response: "I'm sure it is. For you."

I've been telling everyone who cares to hear it about my upcoming surgery. So far, all responses have been positive. But if I ever get a lulu like your "friend," I plan to treat those comments like water off a duck's back -- they just don't get it. But until you get over the sting of your "friend's" ignorant comments -- 

on 12/31/14 12:30 am

Thanks everyone. It's so nice to talk to others who understand. This has been especially hard for me because I'm extremely shy in real life, so when I actually open up to someone and I'm totally torn down, it hurts a lot and makes me regret talking in the first place.

Tracy D.
on 12/31/14 12:51 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

That stinks!  It's really harsh when you put out trusting feelers to someone and they stomp their stupid, narrow-minded little feet all over them  Plus she sounds like a total snotty *****! 

People need to EARN your trust before you confide personal information to them.  That takes building a relationship over time. This chick did nothing to earn your trust and has probably ensured that you'll be pretty gun-shy of confiding in anyone again.  

The universe just taught you a big lesson, sweetie.  Make sure you look really hard at your part in it so you don't allow it to happen again.  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 12/31/14 1:14 am
VSG on 07/10/14 with

Wow! I can't even imagine what I would do if someone were that rude to me. Good for you for taking the high road.


"Free your ass, and your mind will follow."  HW - 287, Start W - 273, Surgery W - 257, Onederland - 4 months 1 week post op,  100 lbs lost - 8 months 1 week, CW - 162

Gwen M.
on 12/31/14 2:10 am
VSG on 03/13/14

"Yup, I am really proud of myself!"  

She sounds like a twit, oh well.  (And this is actually one of the reasons I have opted to tell everyone about my surgery - that way I control the information that's out there about me instead of having to worry that someone else will try to share it as gossip.)  

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 12/31/14 2:42 am

I'm so sorry she reacted in such a way!!! That really sucks! Why in the world would she say such things!?!? If people only knew how difficult the wls journey is, I think they would really re-think their thinking as well as their words. I'm so sorry she was so foolish, judgmental and insensitive. Try to forget about her stupid comments and continue to live your life and be happy on your journey. You don't need to dwell on such stupidity and negativity, not even for a minute. Also, as crazy as this sounds, it may actually be a good idea to confront her rather than ignore her. Who knows? You may just teach her something? Ya never know 😉

Cristy C.
on 1/1/15 2:50 pm

I haven't had surgery yet but told a co-worker that I was going to do it and she told me that I shouldn't, that I would feel so much better about myself if I just did it on my own. I don't think she meant it as harsh as it sounded, but it really upset me. All I could think was I will be doing it myself. I'm just going to be getting this great tool to help. I know I still have a lot of work cut out for me. I have decided I probably won't tell a lot of people unless I have to. I am shy as well, so I really don't care to know what they think of my surgery. I figure I'm not going to lie though either, I'll just tell them I have changed what I am eating, how much I am eating and I'm working out. I figure they don't need to know about the surgery unless I feel like telling them. I don't know at least how I feel right now. I've always felt bad about my weight and I know I've let it hinder a lot of the things I wanted to accomplish in life just because I am embarrassed of my weight. 

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