Eliminating Unnecessary Calories

Keith L.
on 7/7/14 2:19 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

One of the most difficult thing for me when I first started out post VSG was getting my calorie intake down to 600 calories. I could usually keep it below 800 but getting it down as far as 600 was a challenge. Now that I am eating a bit more I have found that I have added things in that are not really necessary. For example I drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee each day. I realized that I was putting cream in my coffee which does indeed make it taste better. I decided one day to try it without the cream and I realized that it didn't suck as bad as I thought it would. It wasn't as good but more than tolerable. So I was able to eliminate 200 calories per day from my diet with one small simple change. Now you say what is 200 calories? Well considering my 1 hour each day workout only burns about 600 calories eliminating the cream improved my workout position by 1/3. So I started to look at other ways I could eliminate unnecessary calories. What other small changes could I make to improve my position at the end of the day. Some of the things I have been eliminating include:




Cutting Sour Cream when I use it in half - the trick her is I put on what I normally would then take half of it and give it to my daughter


These are the things I have identified recently. I am still on the lookout for other things I have been adding that may not add any value besides a little bit of flavor. If I can keep the flavor close and eliminate some calories in the process I am going to do it. I do not want to compromise flavor though. Realizing of course that none of these things are bad on a low carb diet (well maybe the ketchup).

What are some of the things you can eliminate?

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 7/7/14 2:25 am
VSG on 02/10/14 with
I eat a lot of tuna in the foil packs. Although I really like tuna with sunflower oil (150 calories) this week I am just eating tuna packed in water. (70 calories)
Keith L.
on 7/7/14 2:41 am - Navarre, FL
VSG on 09/28/12

That's a great cut. This is something I really like, try squeezing some lemon juice and adding some cilantro in too. Will add next to no calories and really make it taste great. Actually lemon juice with just salt and pepper is pretty good too.

VSG: 9/28/2012 - Dr. Sergio Verboonen  My Food/Recipe Blog - MyBigFatFoodie.com

?My Fitness Pal Profile ?View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com


on 7/7/14 3:07 am
VSG on 03/07/14

My NUT is big on skim milk as part of the plan to hit protein goals.  I have found a brand of milk that is low carb and higher protein so I can get my protein without as much milk.  I also have started mixing my protein powder with half milk and half water...it doesn't taste as good, but it saves some calories and I am still hitting my protein goal.

I do find myself closer to 800 calories per day...probably because of the milk still though.

My plan does not allow snacking on solids, only milk/protein drink, so to get my protein in at 3 meals is nearly impossible.  I need to continue the protein supplementing with milk or powder, but I have to get smarter about the calories in these.

     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 7/7/14 3:23 am

I just can't give up the cream.  For me, coffee indeed sucks without that and a sweetner.  Instead, I go for the lowest calorie non-sugar option I can find that gets the job done, and then just accept the fact that the rest of my day needs to adjust.  Coffee is a very big deal for me even though I am a decaf drinker.  Even my NUT decided to not even try to dissuade me in that one area :)

Sour cream- substitute ff Greek yogurt.  Works great in anything that is not baked, and not sure if it works in baked items.  We also strain FF greek yogurt to turn it into a cheese- great option to replace cream cheese with. 

I still do ketchup, but do buy the stuff that does not have corn syrup and crap in it.

Mayo, I use Miracle Whip light

Granola for something crunchy on my yogurt- I use a soy nut cereal product that is very low cal, very very low carb, and all protein.  Perfect on yogurt! 

Milk- Almond milk or flax milk... check the nutrion labels as not all are 30 calories or less

Protein shake- check the labels, they are not all created equal.  I have also found that a 100 calorie EAS carbadvante (17 g protein) works perfect for a snack instead of the 160 calorie Premier Protein option, thus shaving calories.  If I need the protein for the day though I go with Premier. 

Torano has a great low calorie low carb wrap (50 cals or less depending on the variety)

Dressing for salad- I now make my own and save a giant amount of calories by using greek yogurt instead of a lot of oil.  Delicous too! 

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 7/7/14 4:22 am - Canada

I'm like you..I can't give up the cream in my coffee. I found a coconut creamer for coffee..called So Delicious and it is. 5 calories a TBSP! I put 2 TBSP in my afternoon coffee..and I get my sweet creamer taste without all the calories.

Totally agree on the substituting with Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream. My sister made a spinach dip with low cal mayo and low cal/fat greek yogurt and it was amazing!

Milk- Almond milk all the way!

I found these amazing low carb tortillas that I order from Low carb Canada.com..I don't know where you would find them in the states..but for 1 tortilla is 60 calories and 3 net carbs. There are fresh and taste exactly like any tortilla. I will look into the Torano brand.

I believe that if you are creative and open minded..you can find substitutes for a lot of the heavy calorie food items that we were used to in the past. Just takes some digging and find out other options. Especially from individuals on OH.


HW : 246 PW:220 SW:208 CW:130

VSG surgery on 09/10/2013 with Dr. Henri Atlas

































on 7/7/14 10:04 pm

Where did you find this creamer, I live in canada too

on 7/7/14 3:42 am

I'm with Happyteacher.  I gotta have creamer in my coffee because my iced coffee is the one thing I look forward to twice a day.  I love the Nestle SF French Vanilla Creamer.  I measure out 2 tablespoons which is 30 cals.  And I also try to adjust my cals for the day because of it.

I just bought some 30 cal unsweetened almond milk for a new batch of shakes I am getting in the mail today.  Weird as hell, I am craving this chocolate banana flavor. 

I'm also trying to elimate snacks or any grazing because those damn cals add up faaaaaaast!!!




on 7/7/14 4:02 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hey Jenn!  I just started drinking Chike protein iced coffee - two scoops is 130 calories, 9 carbs and 20 g protein.  It is the equivalent of 2 shots of espresso, and I shake it up with 10 oz of water and add 2-3 ice cubes.  It is DELICIOUS and not gritty and slightly sweet and I get my protein in.  I highly recommend it.  I ordered it on amazon.

Sorry to highjack the post about eliminating calories.  Just wanted to share about Chike if you haven't tried it - I know protein drinks are hard to judge because all tastes but I just had to tell you because I am now obsessed with it!  LOL!

on 7/7/14 7:34 am

Oooo gurl, I love Chike, that's some good stuff right there!!!!  I love Click Mocha too!!!  And both taste great mixed with water, that's a plus!!!




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