Another one of those trying to decide topic posts

on 6/13/14 7:26 am - Robinson, TX

My doctor just sent in a referral for me to speak with a bariatric surgeon. I have been reading ever since talking with my doctor trying to figure which procedure I would prefer. Each has its pluses and minuses.

What helped you in making the decision to go with the VSG over RNY?

Are there any "if I only knew then what I know now" moments?

After having the VSG surgery, do you ever wonder if you should have done the RNY?

on 6/14/14 2:07 am - libby, MT

I had the vsg. I couldn't have the ring because of lupus.  I had my surgery March twentith. With both your stomach can stretch. My doc said that some who had the vsg later had the ring done. I will tell you in ten weeks I have lost seventy five pounds. So I am pretty happy with the results.

on 6/14/14 2:09 am - libby, MT

Not ring rny. Auto

on 6/14/14 2:13 am - CT
VSG on 04/01/14 with

I did not want to have the RNY because of the re-routing of the intestines and the dumping and the reactive hypoglycemia that a lot of people get.  Not a change I was willing to make.  I know for me I was able to stick to healthy food choices but needed that tool to help me with portion size. I needed the restriction more than anything.  The only concern I had is that my GERD was going to be worse.  I stopped drinking caffeine and I have not had any problems with GERD at all since surgery.  I don't regret getting the sleeve at all and so glad that I DID  NOT go with the RNY.



on 6/14/14 2:16 am - CT
VSG on 04/01/14 with

Also, from what I've read and researched yes they can both stretch some but the stretchy part of the stomach is removed with the sleeve and isn't with the RNY so the sleeve tends to stretch less with the sleeve.



on 6/14/14 2:09 pm - Robinson, TX

Thanks for the replies.  Very helpful.

on 6/14/14 3:13 pm - GA
VSG on 05/01/14

I chose the sleeve because I did not want to have my intestine re-routed, I didn't want to have to take tons of vitamins although we have to take them with the sleeve also but not as many.  I liked the fact that the sleeve cuts away the part of the stomach that produces the hunger hormone grelin (sp). I wanted to keep a fully functioning stomach and digestive system. Also, the sleeve is the first part of the duodenal switch which has the best stats long term. So if in the future I feel I need more help reaching my goal, I can revise to the DS. 

   youtube channel- silkiilocks

