Why I love Frisco

on 3/28/14 4:13 am - CA

I love Frisco because he bought me dinner at Christmas time after our Support Group in Walnut Creek. That meant a lot to me because it solidified my belief in his generosity and kindness. Frisco is a quiet man who has a huge heart, a great sense of humor and will give support to any accomplishment, big or small. He turned his life around and took control and wants others to know that it's great to get your life back and with help, anyone can do it. I love Frisco because he is the real thing. No bull**** Kind, generous and helpful. He has a lot to share and is willing to share it. For all you Frisco bashers, I don't understand how you can turn helpful advise into something mean and unkind. I guess that when you don't have much that you have accomplished it makes you feel better to put others down. Anyhow, for those who need support, encouragement or great recipes, Frisco is always there for you. Love you!

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/14 4:38 am, edited 3/28/14 4:45 am

I too love Frisco.  I love him because he will always tell me the truth.  I might not want to hear it, but that will never stop him.  He will hold a mirror to me and tell me what I most need to hear and he will make me laugh as he's doing it.  I love Frisco because he knows how to be a friend, how to give unconditionally and support you even when you fall.  I love that he is my partner in crime when it comes to long term maintenance.  He has spent countless hours helping others get to goal and maintain.  He wrote the pyloric valve post that I still read every time he posts it.  I have made all of this recopies on his blog and it's my to go place if I am not sure what to make for the day.  I love the food porn photos (except right before lunch) but most of all, I have great respect for his commitment to his own health and his complete surrender to this process.  I think his journey to health is heroic and his determination keep his health is awe inspiring.  I am secretly jealous of his awesome restriction that he has kept by under-eating his sleeve. 

on 3/28/14 4:42 am - CA

Bravo! You said it better than I!

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/14 6:00 am

The man is fantastic. I reached out to him as a newbie and he took me under his wing and told me what I needed to hear to get to my goal. He has never, ever let me down and has always been supportive of my endeavors. While he may be bluntly honest at times, in real life he is a quiet, calm, caring and thoughtful and generous man. He may not write long, drawn out posts, but the man is a genius at living this VSG life. His few words are pretty damn golden in my book. He is someone I do my level best to emulate while on this journey. 

And to think he was a man who NEVER cooked before VSG.

on 3/28/14 6:55 am - CA

You will be my next post --- Why I love Kairk! Especially after your text yesterday. It made my day. Even if nothing comes of it I so appreciate you thinking of me. Frisco doesn't waste his breath with useless information. When he speaks he speaks with knowledge and experience and that is why he is such a treasure to anyone starting this journey (or in maintenance!). 

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

on 3/28/14 6:01 am - CA

I'm from the midwest--we love people who just tell you the truth without BS.  Frisco is that guy!  Plus he gave me the cutest eggbeater EVER and a bento box!

Sarah, VSG Dr. Cirangle--12/28/12, HW: 265 SW: 253 GW: 130???

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/14 6:12 am

That reminds me, my daughter stole my bento box, I need to get another one.  They work great for lunches to go.

on 3/28/14 6:57 am - CA

I donated my Bento Box to my 2 year old grand daughter. She love to have her snacks in it. I need another one too. Love my little egg beater and the spices Frisco gave me. Always a surprise at the support groups. Walnut Creek and Concord have been so easy but I miss San Jose. Let's plan for something special for an upcoming group. 

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/14 7:19 am

Yes, when you come back from Paris, I think we should plan a great dinner out at a different restaurant before group.  I am thinking of doing something at my house for the summer months.  Maybe a BBQ.  Alan can make his famous ribs.


(deactivated member)
on 3/30/14 5:26 pm

Go here:  www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002HFE7UK/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_ i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

This is the bento box Frisco suggested I get. I use it every day! It is sturdy as all get out! Handles the microwave, well. You cannot microwave the lid, but that is the only draw back I can think of.

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