Six days til surgery and overthinking it all......

on 10/10/13 11:25 am

My mind is my worst enemy...for sure.  Here I am six days out, and now I am second guessing everything.  I am driving myself insane.  I know that I want to do this, but, my mind goes back to the whole "am I sure I can't do this on my own?" mentality?  I have lost weight pre-op and it hasn't been that hard, so of course I get to thinking, "well, look here, you can do this, no problem." Of which my husband has to remind me that the reason I'm losing weight is because I HAVE TO!  It's almost circular reasoning.  I just feel like my mind is spinning, spinning, spinning.  


on 10/10/13 11:38 am
VSG on 10/07/13

I just went through this too! My surg date was 10/7. I had to remind myself how many years I've tried various things, with sucess only to regain +some. I am not getting any younger either. Surgery for me was not that bad and I have read the same from others. Just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this... Did you make a list of all the reasons you want to loose weight? If not I highly recommend that.

Good luck :)


on 10/10/13 11:48 am

Yes, , I keep reminding myself why I want to lose weight, and that helps A LOT!  Plus, getting on here, and looking at the success stories and seeing all of the great results pushes me forward as well!  That's why I am venting to all of you wonderful people!  

I am so scared too, of the potential hair loss, not scared, almost obsessed with it.  My doctor has reassured me that he has me on a great nutrition program to keep my protein intake up and I have gotten some awesome vitamins to take post-op, I have bought some great shampoos....etc.  I think the only reason I am so obsessed with it is because since I've been so overweight, the only thing I ever saw beautiful about me is my hair, so in effect, I am associating the potential of losing that with losing beauty.  Not even comprehending how it will be when I feel better and look better.  

See what I mean about overthinking it all?!?!?!?  surprise

Sandy M.
on 10/10/13 12:59 pm - Detroit Lakes, MN
Revision on 05/08/13

If you've done your research and have made an informed decision, be at peace.  Now, I know that's not easy - I went through the same thing myself.  Major surgery is a scary thing, so give yourself permission to think about the worst things that could happen.  And then move forward.  Distract yourself in any way possible - get ready by signing up for MyFitnessPal, start walking, do whatever it takes.

As for the hair loss, we're talking 2 months here where it's an issue.  Surgery puts your hair into a "stop growth" phase for about 2 months because your body needs it's army to heal you, and hair growth is not essential for life.  When it starts growing again at about 3 months after surgery, it'll push out the hair that stopped growing - that's where the hair loss comes in.  I'm about 5 months out and it's slowed down a lot.  You should have your full head of hair back in 6-12 months after surgery.  

As far as the pre-op weight loss - can you honestly say that you can do that diet for life?  

You CAN do this girl.  Distract yourself.  You're almost there!

Height 5'4"  HW:223 Lap band 2006, revised to Sleeve 5/8/2013, SW:196



on 10/10/13 7:24 pm

The dismal truth is that 95% of obese people who lose a great deal of weight put it back on and more without some other type of intervention.  The diet alone is a huge failure for medicine.  95% fail...  I put off surgical intervention for decades.  Best decision I ever made to get my gastric sleeve.  It is the tool I need to take off the weight and KEEP IT OFF.  The former I have done with ease for more than 30 years but keeping it off was impossible.  You can do this.

    It's never too soon to panic!    



on 10/11/13 6:30 am

Not much good having beautiful hair if you are in poor health due to morbid obesity.  This is about your quality of life and the length of life if you decide to go forward. Don't get distracted by short term, bumps in the road stuff. Keep your focus on the big picture. Then get busy doing something useful or fun and stop obsessing.

"Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy." - Leo Buscaglia


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