Compliant Center - TOM, Cravings, Control Issues, Crap Feelings...You name it.

on 5/15/13 1:20 pm

Be warned, this is a rant, confession, totally selfish, cathartic post. 

I have MEGA PMS also known as PMDD.  I've know for a couple of years and it can cause me some strife so I take an anti-depressant to help counteract it - that's the confession part.  I also try to exercise regularly which totally helps.  

Well my period since my 70 lbs weight loss has been all over the place which means my PMS is all over the place which means the PMS lasts for anywhere from 10 to 3 days and my period seems to come when it wants...usually within a week of 'normal,' whatever that means anymore.

Well this week was the usual.  The scale stopped moving.  I get MASSIVE cravings for salt, red meat and just want to eat everything in sight - I still get in my protein and I'm not a low carb girl, but I definitely eat more than the 60 grams of carbs I usually allow myself, I'm tired, very irritable, my focus is completely off, I get nothing done at work, I'm exhausted and have no energy.  It seems this month it has only lasted 3 days - last month, 9 DAYS!!!.  This morning, I got my period and the cravings/feelings are already subsiding.

It's miserable...I just needed to get it off my chest - last month it really felt like it derailed me for a good 2 weeks - it seems I'm in a better mind set this month already...but each time I get the cravings it slows weight loss and I have to throw myself back on track - kind of exhausting and even though I have lost 70 pounds in 6 months...there are days when it's all about the restriction.  I track everything I put in my mouth and it's still always less than 1500 cals - which would have been what I was eating before WLS if I was "dieting" so while it doesn't seem THAT bad (especially if I have gone to spin class and burned 450 cals)'s just frustrating that there is this hormonal/emotional rollercoaster that happens once a month.   

Anyway - I think I've lost the rant now...phew...thanks message board...

Currently 180 - 76 lbs lost! Surgery 11/7/12, 36 years old, 5'8". I live in Hong Kong and it's a bit different here!


on 5/15/13 1:53 pm - Austin, TX

Yup. I'm there with you today. And MY HUSBAND, who might have been looking at divorce court if he hadn't made a special run to the store, ate MY ENTIRE BAG of dark chocolate pieces that I keep for emergencies. Yes, he's still alive. Barely.

I had an ablation so I don't have a period anymore, but I definitely get everything else. Right around the middle of the month. I can eat like CRAZY and it's really the only time I have actual hunger.

Hang in there... and don't let anyone near your chocolate. Trust me! ;)

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 5/15/13 2:03 pm

OMG - l love it.

I had 6 pieces of chocolate assistant who saw me raid my stash and was like - how are you doing today?  I was like - get out of my office if you do not have an offering of Pop Chips or chocolate...

She's new - I warned her last week that this week might be a tough one for her...if I had a husband, I would surely be divorced.

Currently 180 - 76 lbs lost! Surgery 11/7/12, 36 years old, 5'8". I live in Hong Kong and it's a bit different here!


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