Bones! Not just a TV show anymore...

on 12/12/12 2:06 am
VSG on 07/27/12

Hi OH friends,

So I'm sitting here at my desk doing grading (finals week...aaaahhhh!) and I put my head in my hands. Then I felt my jawbone. After typing some responses and more grades, I crossed my arms (elbows on the desk) and put my hands on my shoulders, resting my chin on my wrists in front of me. Holy ****! My shoulders are B-O-N-Y. My collarbone sticks out. WTF is this?

Adding to this mystery is my choice of shirt H&M shirt I found at a second-hand store that is a cotton-blend XL...and it fits perfectly! Either I'm back to 1996 or making much healthier choices in the present. Actually, I don't remember being this bony even back fingers are thinner now than they were 16 years ago, even. Here's hoping everything below the waist catches up!

Have a good day, all!


on 12/12/12 2:10 am

I just want to say you are doing awesome!!!!  The bones are a trip, right??? 

Congrats on the NSV with the H & M shirt and yes, the waist will catch up.  I still need mine to catch up a bit more, lol!!

Keep up the great progress!!!




on 12/12/12 2:26 am
VSG on 07/27/12

Thanks, Jenn! It really is a trip. I can't stop touching myself! LOL (in a work-safe way, naturally!) Now I'm feeling my knees, too. Good thing I'm by myself and not sitting in a Starbuck's!



on 12/12/12 2:26 am - IL
VSG on 06/28/12

LOL "Doc"!

Yep, finding bones is a trip down memory lane!  Relearning how to shave legs with bones sticking out is leaving me with knees that look like they did when I was a kid and skinned them on the sidewalk all the time LOL  Pitiful!

Yeah, I, too, am wondering when the midsection is going to start dwindling.  My legs are thinning down somewhat, and the top half is doing okay, but what's supposed to be a waist looks much too round yet!

You are doing an amazing job!  You got your sleeve 2 weeks after me and you're 41 pounds faster than I am!  I'm happy for you -- just would like to know what you're doing that I should be doing to do better.

Keep rockin' that sleeve Girl!  I'm totally impressed..........and inspired by your great progress!



on 12/12/12 2:33 am
VSG on 07/27/12

Gee, thanks, Ree! I don't know what I'm doing differently...eating around 750-850 calories right now, at least 80 g of protein each day (although I aim for 90-100), and drinking a bunch of water. I haven't gotten to exercise as much as I'd like to lately because of work obligations, but when I'm on campus I scoot around like my tail is on fire. My strides are longer than ever before and I really put the *power* into power-walking. You are doing awesome, too!! Everyone loses their weight differently, it seems. Focus on those skinny knees and falling out of your exercise pants! :D I hope our waists catch up to the rest of us...although 1 year ago, my hips were around 64" around (OFF the tapemeasure - yeesh!), and I'm happy to report that they are now at 47". I guess progress is all relative.


on 12/12/12 3:57 am - IL
VSG on 06/28/12

Thanks for your guidelines!  Pretty much what I do...............650 max calories for the day, 70-90 g protein, slug down at least 8 cups of fluids a day, keep carbs under 30 g (though I try to stay under 25 g a day) and exercise like a maniac at least 3 days a week.  I don't "eat my exercise calories" either, so the deficit goes up instead of staying static.  I was told that because I'm "older" (GRRRR) I would lose slower.  It's not that I'm not pleased with my progress -- I'm just very impatient with myself and to see your 109 pounds in 5 months to my measly 68 pounds in 5.5 months.........well, I just can't  keep comparing myself to others -- hard not to, though!

WOW, you've lost 15 inches off your hips?  That's AWESOME! tall are you?  I'm only 5' 1 1/2" tall (or short LOL).  And did your doctor measure your frame?  My surgeon did and tells me I have a large frame -- based on wrist, elbow, and ankle measurements.  I guess those are the boniest parts of people of any weight.  Seems strange to be large framed and be so flippin' short! 

Bottom line is that I love Myrtle, totally enjoy all the wonderful folks here and on MFP, and think this is the best science experiment I've ever been involved with!  What a ride..............WHEEEEEEEEEE!!! 



on 12/12/12 4:07 am, edited 12/12/12 4:07 am
VSG on 07/27/12

Ree - 109 is my total loss...not my surgery loss! :) I've lost 82 lbs since surgery and I'm 5'5"...I was 315 on the day of surgery. My frame is medium to large-ish, I guess. I have long fingers and feet! :D

68 lbs is amazing, especially as you consider yourself 'older' (or at least your doctor does). I sometimes wish I'd lose faster, but then again, I'm on track to lose at least 100 pounds at 6 months post-surgery. I'm inpatient, too! Can't wait to hustle my buns into some size 12s!!!! And you are so good with your calories and carbs...w-o-w. I'm not that good with my carbs (usually 40-50 g), and I'm thinking I'll need to pare down my intake the less I weigh. Or something. And yes, my hips were a bit, uh, large and in charge. :) I am glad to be on this experiment with you! Hugs!!


on 12/12/12 3:58 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12

Congratulations on your skeletal situation! I remember when I first saw collar bones; I was constantly touching them. Two years later I still am not used to seeing them on me. Once when I was lying down I felt a weird lump and began to worry. Being a paramedic I had to find out what it was! Turns out it was a rib I hadn't felt in years. Can't trick me more than six or seven times in a row. ENJOY!


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 12/12/12 4:09 am
VSG on 07/27/12

Thanks! :) That is funny about your rib. Was it one of the floaters?


on 12/12/12 5:05 am
VSG on 06/25/12

Great job, i know with me it's wierd because I now have a hard time sleeping on my side because I'd always keep my knees together and now they are bonier and it's not comfortable so I have to have a pillow between them and it always feels weird because of these newfound hipbones I have.

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