Come on, LIVE A LITTLE, people!

on 10/19/12 2:46 am
This is my offering for a list of "People Say the Dumbest Things."

Today a neighbor offered me some halloween candy.  I said "no thanks, I'm good." Her response to this was to confess she'd already eaten four pieces and I needed to help her get rid of the rest of the bag, and then she added, "oh, come on... live a little!"

I had to stop myself from laughing.  ****ty halloween candy is her idea of "living a little"?  Giving in to high calorie, zero nutrition, ultra processed, crap food is the gateway to living a full life?  Wow.  What a grim outlook on life. My life would be most improved by throwing those in the trash rather than into my mouth. 

The truth is, I am living now, I'm living a lot.  I can keep up with a two and four year old all day.  I can jog for forty minutes and feel GREAT afterwards.  (Sweaty and numb-toed, but great.)   I'm finally living a little, for the first time in a long time, and it is because I am turning down garbage like halloween candy.   Eating halloween candy would be the opposite of living a little.

I suspect as the massive-quantities-of-food holidays are rapidly approaching (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) I'll be hearing this phrase more and more.  I've been eating less than 800 calories a day for almost a year now - "come on, live a little!"  "you deserve it"  "a little mashed potato now and then won't hurt"  "celebrate with us!"    

I had no response for my neighbor this morning that wouldn't involve cussing, laughing, or otherwise making this woman feel bad.  I didn't want her to feel bad.  So I just smiled and repeated "no thanks, I'm good."  And, seriously, I AM good.  :)

Tell me some dumb things you've heard people say lately in regard to your lifestyle choices (er... health or VSG related, I mean)...  hopefully, you had a better comeback than I did.   


Lost 140 lbs with VSG. (Hooray!!)

got pregnant  (yeaaaa!)  

got cancer (boooo!)

regained 40 lbs.   (grrrr!)

In summary: Alive & Grateful.   

kristen D.
on 10/19/12 3:03 am - Middletown, NY
VSG on 09/25/12
i love this post! you are so right!!!
M C.
on 10/19/12 3:42 am
on 10/19/12 3:53 am - NJ
I can't even tell you how many times I have heard that! Gah, it makes me nuts.

My latest stupid statement came from a friend about my running, she said "why do you want to run, it's so hard and then you get all sore and sweaty". I just looked at her and said "Well if it was easy, everyone would do it" (which is what my favorite running t-shirt says LOL).

I do it because it makes me feel alive, when I want to live a little I run until every fiber of my body is screaming "YOU ARE ALIVE and AMAZING".

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 10/19/12 4:39 am - CO

When I run (like to the bathroom, etc), I spend that time putting as many cuss words together at I can.

That's my idea of a good run.

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



on 10/19/12 4:46 am - NJ
 Oh, the things that go though my head when I run are not very nice. On a good run I commit murder in my head at least twice, and think some very nasty horrible things about the people passing me who make it look easy. I am pretty sure if someone could read my mind while I was running, I would probably be committed to a mental hospital complete with a pretty white coat that helps me hug myself real tight.

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 10/19/12 4:57 am - CO
HA! That's why I love my job. I get to kill people off and never have to go to jail. Ain't fiction grand?

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



kristen D.
on 10/19/12 5:07 am - Middletown, NY
VSG on 09/25/12
LOL so funny!!!!
on 10/19/12 3:54 am - Mobile, AL
VSG on 01/23/12
Does your neighbor know you had the surgery?

on 10/19/12 4:23 am
VSG on 08/16/12
 Ha, that is a crack up. People are so weird sometimes.

I've had people say similar things to me about various kinds of food. I get, "One bite won't hurt."  Um, yeah, it probably won't but why would I be spending all of this time changing my lifestyle to eat a bite of your ****ty snack food? Most of the time it's crap I wouldn't have eaten before surgery! 


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