Vertigo ?????

Mike B.
on 10/12/12 5:03 am
I found out that I have a case of vertigo. I woke up about 2:00AM Wednesday morning extremely dizzy and could not get out of bed. My wife and son managed to get me to the ER to try and find out what was wrong with me. I was not in any pain, just extremely dizzy. After several hours at one ER, they transferred me down to Keiser Ontario. I was there several hours having test after test and they finally came back to tell me I have a case of vertigo.
Now, I need to know if anyone has had this issue and if so, what did you do to get rid of it? I need to get back to work and get back to training for my half marathon that is on the 28th of October. Having this issue really sucks. I feel as though I'm drunk 24-7 and I hate that feeling. I welcome any suggestions, please.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 10/12/12 5:07 am - VA
VSG on 12/06/12 with
I had a really bad viral infection last year that one of the symptoms was was HORRIBLE and felt like it lasted forever.  only thing that helped me get rid of it was Politzer maneuver...  (google it, its simple to do, but hard for me to explain) took about a week of this for it to go away completely...
Mike B.
on 10/12/12 5:20 am
Thank you. I will look it up.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 10/12/12 5:16 am
 I had a nasty case several years ago.  The first 4 days or so were the worse, with very slow incremental improvement after that.  They did prescribe me something called antivert (I think that is what it was called) they helped to take the edge off of it.  I get motion sick, so for me there was a lot of vomiting involved too.  After 5 days or so I returned to work- but dang, I couldn't do much.  I had to have students pick things up off the floor for me, could barely eat, and was exhausted.  It took maybe 6 weeks to get rid of the fatigue.  It took months before mini dizzy spells eventually stopped.  I think i went almost a year without even trying to get dishes out of my lower cupboards.  

I do remember them saying there is a treatment for it, but I do not remember much.  I think it was something about flipping your position around, but I never pursued it.

Hang in there- the first week is the worst part.

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1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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Mike B.
on 10/12/12 5:23 am
Thanks, I just hope it doesn't last that long. I need to get back to running.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 10/12/12 5:19 am - Mobile, AL
VSG on 01/23/12
I get vertigo all the time but I was also getting it before surgery so there is no correlation between the two.  My ENT said I had what is called benign positional vertigo rtigo .  He also told me that there isn't really a cure for it.  The way he described it to me is like a stone wall in your ear that is made up of calcium deposits and one of those little stones falls off the wall and floats around in your inner ear.  The stone (calcium deposit) has to get back up on the wall before your dizziness will go away.  There are some exercises you can do but I've never tried them where you hang your head off the bed and try and force it to reposition itself.  I've had the episodes last up to a month but the last couple have been less than a week.  There have been some episodes that didn't last 24 hours.  It really wears you out just trying to stay upright!

Mike B.
on 10/12/12 5:27 am
thanks for the info, I'll check out the website.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 10/12/12 5:44 am - OH
VSG on 10/02/12
 Me too with the BPPV - I have been having yearly episodes starting in Feb. 2005 - usually during allergy seasons.  Last year - didn't go away for 8 months and came back this spring.  I have gone many times to the ENT for Epley maneuvers - they help for awhile with repositioning the stones.  When it is really bad - I am sick all day.  I had never heard of it until I woke up that morning in 2005, unable to get out of bed - thought I was having a stroke.  My ENT says most people get rid of it after having the Epley maneuver but I have had it many times - just my luck - one more thing to deal with.  Mine is on the right side so I am careful not to sleep on right side and I try to avoid bending to the right or getting up on the right.  It helps.  It is very annoying and sometimes incapcitating.  Always a surprise whenever I am at a dr's office and they lay me back and my eyes start darting back and forth - looks like a seizure - always have to tell whoever what it is.

Mike B.
on 10/14/12 4:01 am
Interesting you mentioned you thought you were having a stroke. My wife thought it may have been the same, so she started having me do a few things to rule it out. Thank goodness it was not a stroke. How do you tell which side the vertigo is on? Thanks for responding by the way.

HW:280       SW:270       OLD GW:190       NEW GW: 180       CW: 174

on 10/14/12 4:35 am - OH
VSG on 10/02/12
If u get dizzy when you lay down and turn your head to one side (mine is on right - so I try not to sleep turned to the right) or you notice when you bend over one way that you get dizzy - then that ear is the one where the crystals are stuck. I have had both but usually mine is the right one , so I compensate by avoiding laying on my right side. The ENT laid me down - turned my head to right - he could see my eyes darting back and forth, then to the left - no darting (except the one bout when I had on both sides). It's not pleasant but you can adjust. Curiously I have noticed - it's a little less intense since surgery 10/2. Good luck.
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