Hysterectomy after WLS

on 9/24/12 12:17 pm
My continuing saga of low iron and ferritin levels along with hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and heavy periods have led my doctors to recommend a hysterectomy. Since only one ovary seems to produce cysts (every other month like clockwork), we have discussed leaving the healthy ovary so that I won't have to do hormone replacement therapy.

I would do almost anything to correct the low iron issues I have; unlike so many on this board, my weight loss has not led to more energy as I had hoped. I am constantly exhausted and it has affected my exercise and even my weight loss.

But I am scared to death to have a hysterectomy and put on weight. I know so many women who gain weight after surgery. I DO NOT want to do that. My loss has been so slow that every pound feels like a hard won race by the tortoise.

Have any of you had a hysterectomy after your VSG? How did you do?



on 9/24/12 2:14 pm
on 9/24/12 11:36 pm
I'm bumping this because I am really hoping for some responses. I find little when I search online.
Linda B.
on 9/25/12 11:12 am - CO
VSG on 09/13/12
I am just catching up on the forum a bit and thought I'd respond. I haven't had a hysterectomy, in fact, I'm trying to avoid one. About 3 years ago, I had my left ovary removed due to a mass inside a cyst. Dr. asked then if I wanted a hysterectomy while she was there, I declined. Periods are still the pits, 9-11 days a month and heavy. On 10/9 I'm having an endrometreal ablation done. It will burn out the lining and hopefully cause my periods to slow or stop. They found the ovarian problem while trying to figure out the whole heavy period thing. I have been on progesterone since, and the only thing it really does is keep things on regular timing.

Anyway, since a hysterectomy can cause so many other issues besides just weight gain, I would seek a second opinion and maybe explore some other options. You didn't mention how old you are and if you feel your family is complete. These are also things you need to consider before such a drastic step. I hope things turn out well for you.

high weight 230 start of journey weight 217 surgery weight 191 current weight 138

on 9/25/12 1:51 pm
I am 41 now and have been a hormonal mess for most of my adult life. In fact, I gained my weight when I took fertility drugs and could never lose it for any length of time after that. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. I have three children and my family is definitely complete. After my second pregnancy, my body seemed to reboot and my cycles became more regular. But my periods are extremely heavy and the last six months or so I've been dealing with ovarian cyst ruptures. They take me out of commission for almost a week at a time when they occur.

I've attempted BC pills, but they throw my system entirely out of whack. I also get weird, auto-immune "flags" from progesterone. They look like ringworms on my skin, but they are a reaction to increased progesterone production the week prior to my period.

My ferritin levels were first measured two years ago because I was complaining of exhaustion. It was 0.2 (normal is 12-200). Since then, it has never been higher than a 4. My H&H levels are either low/anemic or just above the threshhold. Since I have no other health issues and since this condition predates my WLS, my reproductive organs are being blamed as the cause for iron loss.

If I wasn't so scared to regain weight, this would be a total no-brainer for me. My reproductive system has always been a mess and I worry that, because of that, my risk of cancers is higher as well. I'd love to have it all removed, but am trying to keep the functioning ovary in place to avoid HRT, which I will have to take for 5 years if both ovaries have to be removed.



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