3-month stall: Official Pity Party in Progress. HELP (long)

on 8/7/12 8:48 am
I'm almost 11 months post-op. I've posted before about my infamous stall--really a five-pound bounce up and down for the past 13 weeks. I'm officially asking for help. I don't know what else to do. I'm angry, frustrated, and really, really glad for my sleeve right now because I'm emotional and want to eat everything I see. I don't--but I really want to! I have bounced between 160 and 164; earlier this week, I dropped to 159, but I'm back at 160.8 this morning.

I have tried going to straight liquid protein drinks for a couple of days to jump start a loss, I've increased my exercise. I have low ferratin and I take heme-iron supplements in addition to a multivitamin, D3, biotin, B12, cranberry extract, and a zinc lozenge. I drink water and iced tea with Splenda. Here is yesterday's food, which is a typical day:

MEAL                                                                               CAL       PRO      CARB

Breakfast             Turkey sausage patties (2)           120         10           1
Lunch                    Beef jerky                                         120         19           5
Snack                    Pepperjack cheese                        100         6              1
Dinner                  Chicken (1/2 c. breast)                   165         22           0
After Exercise      Protein drink                                       120         17           3

TOTAL                                                                                625         74           10

The beef jerky was because I was out running errands and my food choices are limited in our rural area. Most of the time, I have 3 oz. of tenderloin steak for lunch when I'm home, which adds a few more calories and a couple more grams of protein. Typically, I also have Premier protein shakes, which have 30 grams of protein instead of the AdvantEDGE drinks I currently have on hand (Sam's Club was out of the Premier). I despise protein drinks, but I have found it easiest to consume them after exercise.

I walk 3 miles at 3.5 mph five days a week. The other two days a week a do a one-hour boot camp, which is strenuous (and mildly painful). On boot camp days, I additionally eat one piece of high fiber bread with 1 T of peanut butter, adding 155 calories, 16 g of carbs, and 8 g. of protein to my daily count. I had to add this in because I was close to passing out at boot camp.

I have had very low energy for a couple of months. I just don't feel good. I thought my blood sugar may be an issue, but I've been testing  it the past couple of days and it ranges 70-100 pretty consistently. My loss has slowed for several months, but I'm angry that I'm not losing at all for 3 months. I have fat to lose. It's not like I've run out. I should be running a calorie deficit, but it's not reflecting on the scale. I feel like my body has stopped losing. Period.

Please, please please tell me what I need to do differently.



on 8/7/12 9:54 am - Granada Hills, CA
I dont know what your BMI is or height, but it becomes a real B**** to get the last few lbs off.

If youve honestly and accurately weighed, measured and tracked all your food for the last 13 weeks and are certain youve only been getting in 600-800 calories, and youve been exercising and not losing weight, maybe you should head to a doctor because that doesnt make any sense. 13 weeks isnt a stall - youve basically hit your maintenance point and at 600-800 calories would mean you have some serious metabolic issues going on.

If you think there's a chance your counts arent as accurate as you think, maybe focus on that.

With your energy issues, maybe get your thyroid checked?

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 8/7/12 10:49 am
I'm not saying I've been absolutely perfect every day of 13 weeks, but I've been on target 97% of the time. I agree that it seems like I'm in maintenance. That is what is concerning me most.  I am 5'6", which makes my BMI at 25.7 at 159 lbs., technically still overweight (by about 5 lbs.).  I had my thyroid checked in early June when my ferratin levels were last checked. My thyroid level has always sat in the lowest range of normal.

I'm so damn tired all of the time but I have trouble falling asleep even though I'm exhausted. I've had a lot of hormonal issues since the surgery--lots of ruptured ovarian cysts. A trip to the doctor AGAIN is probably in order.

Thanks for the input. I appreciate it.



on 8/7/12 11:48 am - Granada Hills, CA
Well whenever you figure out what's wrong with you, LET ME KNOW!!!

Im dying of exhaustion, insomnia, hormonal issues and F*** ruptured cysts!!!   I need a mental hospital commitment after a couple months of this crap. My weight loss is slow because I like to eat too much though.  Luckily I have some constipation and GERD to balance it all out :) 

Even though you are 5 lbs "overweight" - depending on your body fat % vs lean muscle, your body could be deciding it's done, and this is where it's comfortable. No clue about all that, but who knows?

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 8/7/12 12:26 pm
We sound very similar. I will let you know what I find out!



Pura Vida
on 8/7/12 10:03 am - Costa Rica
My first thought is your thyroid is not functioning properly, especially with low ferritin. That happened to me and now I am on a low dose of thyroid meds and have been able to lose 29lbs of regain. (still took me 8 months)

Good Luck
on 8/7/12 10:51 am
Thanks for your reply. I have been so exhausted for the past 6-8 weeks and I've chalked it up to the low ferratin levels, but my thyroid, which sits at the lowest level of the  normal range, may have finally dipped even more. I'm going to get it checked out.



Pura Vida
on 8/7/12 12:24 pm - Costa Rica
 I was on the bottom end of "normal", so the endocrinologist said i could take some meds to "Support my thyroid", but then again, i live in a place where the healthcare is excellent and the patient is treated like a client instead of another number.


(deactivated member)
on 8/7/12 4:59 pm
Wow! If that is a typical day for you 97% of the time, I really think it's time to see a doctor. I can't imagine why you arent' losing weight.

One last ditch effort you could make (if you're not doing it already) is to faithfully track your true and total intake for 7 days straight. That has put me back on the straight and narrow a few times during this journey. I am horrible about letting portion sizes creep up over time. The more I weigh and measure, the better I get. But even now that I'm in maintenance, I still measure and weigh everything I eat.

The other issue is you are really super close to a normal BMI. I am at goal and am only an inch taller than you. (I'm 5'7") My ideal BMI weight is 159. I put my goal at 170. Yup I'm still in the overweight BMI category at 26.6. HOWEVER, and to me it is a BIG however..... my body fat percentage is 18.5%, which is well below the "normal" range for men my age. You may have a similar body type that is far leaner than the average for your height and age group. I urge you to take that into consideration, as well.

Good luck. I hear how frustrated you are and sympathize with you. Wish I could make it all better for you. Since I can't, I hope you get some answers soon.
on 8/8/12 12:16 am
Thanks for your reply. I woke up this morning with a similar thought about weighing and measuring everything that is not preportioned. I have a call in to the doctor but I know that appointment will take a few weeks to schedule. I have an appointment on Sept. 11th already scheduled and I'm worried she will make me wait until then instead of moving my appt. date up. So this will give me something to focus on while I wait.

Wish me luck. I think I'm going to need all I can get to power through this.



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