Weight lost vs. Inches Lost

on 6/24/12 10:17 am
So for the first time post op I decided to remeasure myself according to the body parts that OH says: waist, neck, biceps, forearm,  chest, thigh, calf, hips. I have lost 56 inches (just counting the loss once for each body part,,, like not counting the number twice for each thigh, forearm, etc). So according to that, I've lost 56 inches in 6 months. During which I've also lost 115 pounds. Doe that sound right? I don't know much about losing inches, Am I only supposed to count each limb once? Is 56 an ok number for 6 months or do I need to step it up?

What do you guys think?

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/24/12 11:01 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Sounds like you are rocking your sleeve to me! As for which way to measure I think it's a personal preference really. I measure both limbs on both sides because I lose inches asymmetrically so I like to know where I need to beef up my workouts. But if you just want an idea of where you I would think measuring one side would be just fine.
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on 6/24/12 11:03 am
Thanks! When people calculate inches lost do they usually count inches from both sides though?

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/24/12 11:22 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Sorry I meant to tell you that yes I count EVERY inch lost on both sides of my body. Because quite frankly I am working my tail off for every single pound I may as well feel the same about the inches too. :)
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on 6/24/12 11:37 am
If I do both sides, only those areas, I've lost 74 inches then

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/24/12 11:02 am - Granada Hills, CA
 i never took any measurements....i suck at taking them so it was pointless for me since id never get an accurate measure anyways. 56 inches sounds great to me though!

The question for you - are you satisfied or do you need to step it up? I can say that I only lost 130 or so in the first year, so you are definitely kicking my butt in terms of WL, so i'd say - just keep making healthy choices, doing whaat you do best and stay hydrated :)

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 6/24/12 11:05 am
you're an exception because you had already lost 100 pounds preop so you probably didn't experience the quick loss in the first few months following surgery. I wish I would have spent my year leading to WLS LOSING weight instead of gaining it!

Yeah, I think I need to step it up when it comes to inches. I need to start doing muscle building stuff.

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/24/12 11:15 am
115 lbs in 6 months??!?!?!? OMG! I've lost 36 pounds in 6 months!!1


That's amazing. I have no idea about inches but I'm impressed about the 115 lbs.
on 6/24/12 11:42 am
It's really about 106 in 6 months. You've lost 34% of your excess weight in that 6 months but 51.4% overall. I lost 47% of and EW in the 6 months and 51.1% overall. So really, overall we've both lost 51% of our excess weight. Even though the actual pounds are so much difference, the percentage is really what matters most. I still have 110 pounds to lose to get to a normal BMI but I think I'm planning on losing another 80-90 and I will be very happy.

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 6/24/12 11:21 am
I measure monthly, but I do measure a couple of other areas based on where I carry my weight. Here is what I have lost so far along with my 75 lbs in the last 9 months:

Bust: 9 inches (48 to 39)
Waist: 10.25 inches (42 to 31.75)
Lower Waist (incl. panni and love handles):11.75 inches (54 to 42.5)
Hips: 10.5 inches (53 to 42.5)
Lower Hips (incl. saddle bags on thighs): 11.25 inches (53.5 to 42.25)
Upper Thigh: R 7.75 in. (32 to 24.25) L 7.75 (31.5 to 23.75)
Lower Thigh: R 3.5 in. (20.75 to 17.25) L 3.5 in. (21.5 to 18)
Calf: R 2.25 in. (16 to 13.75) L 2.25 in. (16.25 to 14)
Upper Arm: R 4.5 (19 to 14.5) L 4.25 (18 to 13.75)

That is a grand total of 87.75 inches (if I did the math correctly) and 75 lbs. in 9 months.



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