It happened during yoga

on 5/7/12 1:41 am - Chula Vista, CA
VSG on 02/06/12

You should first know that I'm not a frequent yoga practitioner. Sure, I've dabbled a few times; I do own a yoga mat, and I have a "Yoga for Dummies" DVD. But I've never taken a class. The handful of times I've practiced it has been at home, using my dummy video. Because I know a few people who are loyal practitioners, I know that there are many benefits of yoga. It is all encompassing workout of the mind, body, and spirit. It's definitely one of the sweatiest workouts I've had without moving fast or vigorously. Because it involves steady breathing and requires all muscles for balance, the sweat just drips off easily and it makes your body feel completely flexed afterwards.


I hadn't taken it up for months until this weekend, and I had a phenomenal experience that I must share with my OH family. I came across the youtube video (posted below) last week. I highly recommend it. It's weight-loss related and I know many of us will relate.


Really, if you do anything worthwhile today - WATCH THIS VIDEO!


So, the video obviously motivated me to get my yoga mat out at home on Saturday. It was a perfect day for yoga, too. I woke up early, the morning was overcast. Because of how motivated I was by the video, I decided to take my time with the poses and try my hardest to do the Basic and Intermediate levels of the video. I lit some incense, opened up a few blinds to let some life into my living room, then I began.


Slow, steady, and meticulously, I gave it my all. Followed the instructor's techniques methodically. Focused on the breathing closely. It was amazing how much more easier it was to move since my weightloss. I've noticed my resistance on the treadmill or elliptical machine, but it was nothing like this. I was so conscious of my bones, my muscles, my flesh, and how much my body has changed. I felt so proud, I cannot express it. The entire workout lasted about an hour, and then it happened.


Having just finished a seated back twist, the end of the segment then asked for corpse pose, where you surrender your body to the floor, cool down, and relax your muscles. Suddenly, I felt a surge come up from deep within my diaphragm. It literally felt like a drain was opened and I began to weep. I didn't understand it, but I let it come. Tears just rolled from my eyes and onto the mat as I laid there on the floor. I wasn’t sad, or angry. It wasn’t an emotional outburst, not the way I've known those to be. This was different. Necessary in some way. I got up to get tissue, thinking it would stop but it lasted about half an hour. I just sat in my living room, in silence, and allowed this to play out because, well, something felt amazing about it.


I was a little confused, but something seemed familiar about my experience and so I googled "crying after yoga". All the information I read marked this phenomenon as an emotional and spiritual breakthrough for yoga practitioners. During the spell, I was more conscious of my body's journey, my weight-loss success, and the overall pride and happiness I felt within at being in a time of triumph in my life.


I'm no mystic, but this event was relevant to my journey and it has made me a firm believer in the yoga practice.

If any of you have had similar experiences, with yoga or anything, please share!   


Amazing Yoga Transformation:


on 5/7/12 1:56 am
One word: Catharsis.  It is amazing how much emotion we hold on to along with the excess weight.

Your post affected me.  I have gone throught something similar and I felt that this was a spiritual and necessary experience.  

I am happy for you.
on 5/7/12 2:02 am
VSG on 04/23/12
That is SO neat. I haven't had this experience with yoga but I have with other things in my life. It's huge, isn't it?

I need to dig out my yoga DVDs...

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

5/27/14 - Extended abdominoplasty with hernia and diastasis recti repair

12/20/14 - Breast reduction/mastopexy with bra line back lift


Pura Vida
on 5/7/12 4:02 am - Costa Rica
Ok, I am boohooing after watching that video. I think most of us can relate with that man in way or another. I love when he runs at the end...YES! I am getting out my yoga mat right now!


on 5/7/12 4:53 am - Chula Vista, CA
VSG on 02/06/12
Yea, I know I can relate. It was very difficult to be active at my highest weight, and I had little will to work out and get motivated. I can see the hopelessness in his face in the beginning. It's hard not to laugh at some of his pose attempts lol. What a trooper this man. My new hero!
Jennifer H.
on 5/7/12 4:20 am - TX
VSG on 01/17/12
I have had quite a few moments like the one you are speaking of. My first was during wii fit when I realized I could actually see my BMI on the chart. I didn't really feel overwhelmed or hyper-emotional, but it was truly a "moment". The next moment was after my first jump on the trampoline. While laying out looking at the sky, I realized I had tears streaming down my face. Again, not an overwhelming feeling, just release. The most recent was this weekend at church where I was mistaken for my daughter 4 times...By Adults...That one was a bit overwhelming because I finally realized that I am starting to look quite a bit like the girl I used to be. That was the age at which I met my husband and to know that he still sees me as that young girl and realize that so many mistake me for being that young girl, well, its enough to make you cry. I can't really explain how it made me feel, but it is definitely a feeling of release. A release of what, I'm not quite sure. I hope this makes sense as I've described it.
on 5/7/12 4:43 am - Chula Vista, CA
VSG on 02/06/12

That is awesome, Jennifer! Yes, I am definitely liking the youth-enhancing aspects of weight loss. Keep up the good work, you're doing great.

on 5/7/12 7:05 am
I had that kind of moment in Zumba about 6 months ago. The overwhelming wonderfulness of life and the incredible lightness of my body engulfed me. The Zen state lasted until the end of that Zumba class. I was due for a Zen moment, as I suffered thru 3 months of a leak and thought I would be an invalid forever after that. When the strength finally came back, I was able, for that instant in time, to actually pinpoint the life force that we get so used to feeling in our everyday life.
on 5/7/12 7:16 am - NJ
 Man, I don't cry, but that video had the tears rolling. I know what it's like to be told you can't do something and then prove everyone wrong, what a great video. 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

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