Dating Preop?!?!

on 9/23/11 7:27 am
I've gotten myself back out there and the fish are bitting.  I work too much to meet men the traditional way, so I am searching online.  It's been wonderful, but I'm caught at a crossroad.  My surgery is in less than a month.  How do I tell someone I'm having WLS when I barely know them.  Do I even bother telling them?  If I don't, isn't that starting off with a lie?  What if they only like plus size girls and I'm "false advertising"?  Yep, I'm crazy, wondering about all of this and so much more???  Any insight out there??
HW286/SW269/1mo-20lbs/2 mo-9lbs/3 mo-10lbs
1st Goal - Loss of 50lbs
on 9/23/11 7:30 am
I was in the exact same boat.  I ended up telling him before we even met in person (we emailed/texted for a couple weeks).  He was supportive... his sister in law actually had RNY a week after I had VSG....  we did end up sleeping together sooner 'cause I was gonna be "out of comission" :-)  But honestly it probably would have happened anyway... we're still seeing eachother 3 months later... I've lost at least 50lbs since we met... he's fine with it :-)
on 9/23/11 10:51 pm
I don't know that I have what it takes to tell someone something so personal before I meet him.  But kuddos to you.  Yes, the upcoming surgery would put a damper on the sex department...but maybe it will make me look more like a "good girl" will appear I'm holding out...LMAO.  Thanks for your insight.
HW286/SW269/1mo-20lbs/2 mo-9lbs/3 mo-10lbs
1st Goal - Loss of 50lbs
on 9/23/11 7:33 am - CA
 I just kind of weasel into it by asking if they are only into big girls or if they like smaller girls also. I say that I'm asking because I am in the process of losing weight and I don't want that to be a dealbreaker. I've found that most guys don't care. One guy I have been chatting with (I meet em online too!) is actually really excited about it! We've been talking for awhile now because he is in the process of moving to california. He's always calling me and asking me surgery questions because he has been doing homework on it. It feels like he's just as excited as I am! Been totally supportive of everything and we've got dates planned for when he gets here. :)

Don't worry about revealing too much too soon, in my opinion. It might be a dealbreaker to guys who like bigger girls and they will probably be thankful that you aren't wasting their time by not sharing. Just be honest. You'd be surprised how many supportive people are out there, despite all the seemingly-rampant hate for WLS.
on 9/23/11 10:58 pm
So, there is one man in particular I am completely into and I totally asked him if he only like curvy girls or if a smaller woman was attractive to him as well....he said he was into curves, but there's more to the attraction than that.  So, I guess I will have to wait this one out.  I don't think I'm comfortable sharing my WLS just yet.  He knows I am having surgery soon, but I only said it was a surgery to make me healthier.  He took my answer and kept going.  Well, if the events of today play out right we will be meeting tonight for the first time.  I'm biting my nails in anticipation.  This is the worst part of online dating.  Thanks for your input and advice.
HW286/SW269/1mo-20lbs/2 mo-9lbs/3 mo-10lbs
1st Goal - Loss of 50lbs
on 9/23/11 11:36 pm - CA
 You can find out without even mentioning surgery, just say you are working on your weight/health because it is an important issue to you. It shouldn't really matter how you are losing weight. Just mentioning the fact that you are planning to lose will reveal how any guy feels about it. :) Besides.. just because you're getting smaller doesn't mean you'll be losing curves anyway!
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