Feb 2011 sleevers how much weight have u lost?

on 7/27/11 7:07 am - CA
Feb 2011 sleevers how much weight have u lost? Any struggles what are your high and low moments
  Goal #1 179  Goal #2 160   Goal #3 150   Goal #4 140  Goal #5 135 Final Goal 125    
on 7/27/11 9:10 am
I've lost 80 lbs. and feel great. I'm so glad I had the VSG. I still have a long way to go, but I feel better everyday and can do so much more than I could 80 lbs. ago!

The lowest/hardest for me was that first month after surgery. It took me a long time to get my energy back.

Highest/sweetest moment - may sound weird, but, for the first time in like 10 years, I went to the movies by myself. I used to go all the time when I was thinner (sized 10) me. It was fun and I didn't feel self-conscious (like when I was 300+ lbs) at all and it was kind of empowering! : I will go see Harry Potter again with the hubby though.
       HW 355/ Pre-Liquid Diet 324/DOS 311/Current 212/Goal 140
on 7/27/11 11:42 am - CA
thank youso much for sharring keep up the great job
  Goal #1 179  Goal #2 160   Goal #3 150   Goal #4 140  Goal #5 135 Final Goal 125    
on 7/27/11 1:16 pm - NY
I technically had surgery on January 18th but my Birthday is in February thus I feel the need to chime in.  I have lost 113 pounds thus far and continue to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week as long as I drink my water and eat protein.  

I have dropped 8 pant sizes and 3.5 inches off my shirt collar.  I am not working out as much as I should be, but I walk 20 minutes to and from work each day.
on 7/27/11 3:14 pm, edited 7/27/11 3:15 am - los osos, CA
Revision on 07/15/14
i've lost like 85 pounds (including pre-surgery weight loss - 56 pounds since) - i have not lost much in the last month and a half, and i'm frustrated as hell. i just found out that my neck didn't fuse after having surgery like 4 years ago on it, and was just told to stop exercising. i am still walking and swimming, but nothing compared to what i've been doing prior to 2 weeks ago. i was working out like crazy, 30 day shred, zumba, weight lifting, walking 1 1/2 hours a day, swimming and hour a day. now i'm limited to the latter 2.

i eat everything i'm supposed to and am religous about logging everything in and everything out. i wear a fitbit, and walk over 10,000 steps, just during the time i'm at work!

but all in all, i'm still generally happy - saw the surgeons yesterday, and he said that he thinks i should lose another 25 pounds and that i would be done. he also said it would probably take me another 6 months to lose that 25 pounds! that's a long time! that's only a little over 4 pounds a month! anyway, i'll take it. and when was the last time i was told i was 25 pounds overweight? what, was i 5? lol my graphic below says i have 40 to go . . . i haven't decided . . .

my high moments are frequent. shopping for clothes is incredible - i'm a 12! i was wearing a 50 in men's shorts, now i'm a 12 women's. holy crap! i was wearing 2x very tightly and 3x generally in my scrubs for work - now i'm wearing a small pants, and large/medium top (not sure why).

my low moment . . . when i get on the scale after doing EVERYTHING RIGHT . . . and either being back up a pound, or exactly the same.

so, even at my lowest moment, the fact that i'm 185 pounds, is incredible to me, and i wouldn't change a thing.
on 7/27/11 3:51 pm
I think I'm down about 89 pounds,my highs are so many: i've gone from an 18/20 in pants to a 10/12, a 2x in tops to a large,  i have no ass left to my husband's chagrin, i can now double cross my legs (knee and ankle crossed) and i find that i sit in more folded up positions because i can. i can buckle my shoes and paint my toenails without even thinking about how to do it. I run 8 minutes at a time non stop (i know not a lot, but more than i could have done 6 months ago)  i get called skinny a lot, which is funny since i'm still 178ish but I am 5'10, so i'm getting there. I stall when I eat too many nuts or sweets, otherwise I still am dropping pounds and inches. I don't feel like people are looking at me and judging me on my weight anymore, I also don't feel stupid walking into nice clothing stores or "young" stores. My daughter is freaking out a little that we can shop in the same sections now. I have a complete new wardrobe, I got rid of everything that reminded me of being fat. Also people give me their skinny clothes now instead of their fat clothes. I only have one chin now. My doctor wants me to lose about 45 more pounds, but I would be happy with 30. Oh, and nobody asks me if I'm pregnant anymore.

I don't know if I've had any real lows - i guess when I realized this is not a fix all and I still have to watch what I eat - sort of like a diet. Sometimes I get tired of people asking how I feel or how I'm doing. But everyone has been supportive and I tell everyone I had WLS- even strangers. Sometimes I think people are watching and waiting for me to fail. And when Dr. Cirangle told me that chili was a fat person food and I was making a bad choice already at 3 weeks out. That was har****hink people worry too much about what I am eating or not eating, and worry that when I'm eating with them I'm feeling deprived while they eat gobs of food. But it really doesn't bother me. My hair is falling out in gobs too. I have saggy skin, especially on my thighs, tummy, rump, neck, and arms. Finally, I think my biggest low was when I realized that foods like cookies, candy, chips, crackers, ice cream and other no no's go right down and I really have to watch my cravings for these foods. But really I'm so happy with my VSG.
 HW 267  SW 258  GW 150  Ht. 5'10.5"  Age 41
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/11 5:39 pm - CA
 I'm at the end of the month, and lost 60 pounds. I'm frustrated as crap right now, a few little stalls and now hormones this week, so the scale won't be moving for a few more days. I have labeled myself a "slow loser" and get a little pissy when things don't move (Yes, I follow everything to the "T", 100+ grams of protein, 25g of carbs or less and 800 calories. Consistently. Every. Freaking. Day.).

Big picture, I've gone from a size 18 to looking at 10 very soon. I have never been a low energy person, but doing things now is so much easier mentally for me. 

on 7/27/11 6:42 pm - WI
I had my VSG on Feb. 9 and so far I have lost 130Lbs.  I had a whole mess of complications but I am back on my feet now so it ended up all good.  I don't really exercise, just walking and not every day, and I am losing on average 7-9 pounds a week.

Good luck with you journey and welcome to the loser's bench!
on 7/28/11 1:19 am
Had my surgery Feb 22nd and so far down 71 lbs...feels great my scale didn't move at all during the 4th month but I lost 7 lbs this month and down 2lbs since the 22nd so I'm loving it. I realized I had stopped donig what I was supposed to do so no more Im doing protein and water religiously and I've never felt better. I have a 100lbs to go before I'm at my goal weight of 180, just hope I get there eventually.
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