30 lbs down in 3 weeks not liking how i got there

on 7/16/11 1:55 pm - VA
so im a lil over 2 weeks postop. i started eating soft muched food a week ago yesterday. weighted everything and made sure everything was soft enough to go down. well since tuesday i have been in the WOREST pain ever!! everytime i eat or drink anything it feels like it gets stuck, ALSO i get this feeling like im being stabbed in the back and it goes straight through to where it feels like everything gets stuck.. i called my surgeons office thursday after trying everything i could think of to get it to go away. The nurse told me it was probably just gas and to put a heating pad on my back and just take my pain meds. did not work what so ever. yesterday i think i had a bite of egg salad and maybe half a water bottle. well i ended up in the ER last night. Every time i got up i almost passed out. apparently i was severly dehydrated and my blood pressure dropped drastically when i stood up. 3 bags of fluid, a chest xray and some pain meds later i was discharged.

i almost regret ever doing this! Im in more pain now then what i was when i came home from the hospital. 

have any one you had these pains? or had gas that lasted this long. im at the end of my rope i think i might end up back in the er tomorrow if this pain doesnt go away. 

Jessica Houston
on 7/16/11 2:07 pm - Wichita, KS
Any chance they put you in an abdominal binder??? I was having severe pain about a week out and had a CT scan done to make sure my sleeve was still intact. Everything was ok, and I suggested a binder to the Dr and he said absolutely can't hurt anything! I wore if for 48 hours straight and can't tell you how much it helped!!! It just does the work of your abdominal muscles while they are healing...

However, that being said.... Were you able to talk to your dr or just the nurse? If only the nurse, I would suggest you call and demand an appt with the doc... You should not be in so much pain & unable to eat 3 weeks out! You could possibly have a stricture, which is where the scar tissue in your sleeve heals too tight and makes it nearly impossible for anything to get through! Please please call your Dr... Especially if you can't even ge****er down...
HW: 245lbs SW:232lbs; CW: 206.2lbs;  GW:125lbs  Height 5ft 2in 
on 7/16/11 2:33 pm
 Call and insist on talking to the doctor. That kind of pain is not normal and you're not going to be able to function if you can't eat or drink. Did he visit you in the hospital? He needs to be aware of what is happening and getting you some answers ASAP!
                                               HW: 285 SW: 267 GW: 130
on 7/16/11 2:37 pm - Lincoln, NE
Agree with jessica - definitely need to talk to the doc to figure out how to get fluids and proteins in you. SOrry you are having all the issues and a big hug and prayers for you.
Rich Sonderegger
on 7/16/11 2:54 pm - Washingtonville, PA
I agree with what the other posters are saying. You need to atleast talk with your surgeon. If the pain is not any better tomorrow, and you need to go to the ER, have them do a cat scan WITH contrast. They should be able to see a stricture with the contrast... And thats what it sounds like to me.. I am being evaluated for one right now. Good luck! I hope you feel better soon! Keep us posted.
on 7/16/11 6:05 pm - Sacramento, CA
Talk to your surgeon, but you also need to revert back to your liquid protein diet until you get this sorted out.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 7/16/11 9:54 pm

I am new to OH but, have been reading post for about ten months now.  I am due for surgery on July 21st and my surgeon is Dr. Stephen Woglemuth.  Reading your post has kinda discouraged me from wanting to go through with surgery.  Do you think I am making a mistake?  I do not want to be handicapped for life from a surgery I thought would help me be healthier.  Please help!  Are there anymore patients on here that Dr. Woglemuth did their surgery?  If so, please answer this post.  Thanks!
on 7/16/11 10:48 pm
Calm down... You can do a search to find other patients of your doc. OR, do a post in the forum of your own to ask about your doc. When someone is in crisis, they're not going to stop and reassure you (know what I mean?). This surgery has a very high success rate and a very low rate of problems. HOWEVER, it is a MAJOR surgery and as with all surgeries, there CAN be issues. Hope you decide to do what's right for you. Nobody can tell you to have this surgery or not. It's all up to you. Good luck!!


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

on 7/16/11 10:44 pm
Yep, call your surgeon. Call TODAY while someone is on-call, rather than tomorrow when the whole office is open and busy. Maybe your doc can meet you in the ER. Doesn't sound like "gas" to me. Yes, you can have gas that long, but I haven't heard of anyone who's been in the pain that you're describing at 2 1/2 weeks. If you're not satisfied with care you got in the ER, definitely go back. If you're still having same pains, GO BACK. You need to get this resolved ASAP.


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

on 7/17/11 3:54 am
Becareful if you are wearing an abdominal binder, it doesn't let you breathe deep enough and you will be more prone to pneumonia
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