Dumped for the first time

on 3/21/16 11:38 pm
RNY on 03/01/16

That was intense. I literally felt like I was dying. I felt like I was hyperventilating and on the verge of passing out. I felt weak and sweat and scared of dying. I've never been so close to passing out in my entire life. I thought my boyfriend was going to come home and find me dead on the bathroom floor. As it started to pass, I got the chills and was exhausted.

I almost died because I ate Thousand Island dressing. Never again. 


HW: 394 SW: 359 GW: 187


on 3/22/16 2:00 am
RNY on 03/21/16

Does this happen instantly? Or did it occurr after finishing your entire meal? Were there any indicators that you now realize you'll have to stop for?

on 3/22/16 2:21 am
RNY on 03/01/16

I felt a bit nauseous about 1\2 way thru my meal & stopped. I had a BM & thought that was why, so after I tried to finish my meal. One bite in, I had to rush to the bathroom again. I really think it was the sugar in the Thousand Island dressing because I've eaten the same meal before, without the dressing, and was fine. 

I knew there was going to be a trial and error period and now I have the first no-no food on my list. 


HW: 394 SW: 359 GW: 187


on 3/22/16 3:00 am
RNY on 03/21/16

Sorry you had to experience that... I'll remember nausea and BM should be my stopping point. I hope that doesnt happenfor you again anytime real soon! Take care :-)

on 3/22/16 3:11 am

Hi Melody

Many food choices are trial and error - especially for the first few months to a year.  Dumping is certainly not a fun experience.  I still dump at 7 years out if I am not careful.

I would like to caution you though.  At three weeks out your whole system is upset and your body is trying to heal.  I will assume you were eating salad which is tough for your new insides to handle.  Salad also has little protein which is so important to maximize - especially early out when your pouch is tiny and raw.

You are SMO.  So was I.  Get this weight off as fast as possible before your body figures out how to absorb more calories and you get sick of your daily menu.

I don't know you  - I don't know the program your surgeon has you on re food - but I do intimately know how to get a large amount of pounds off and keep them off.

Protein.  Then a bit of non starchy veg.  Water.  Measure your food.  Move.


The fact you chose salad dressing at 3 weeks out sent red flags up.  At least to me.  Determine to race to the finish.  Food will be waiting for you in all its glory.






Nicole K.
on 3/22/16 5:37 am - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

What she said ^^^^

I'm a little over 5 weeks out and I can't imagine eating Thousand Island dressing or a salad, even now. Check out the label, I'll bet it's full of sugar. Read the labels of everything before you eat it, that stuff hides everywhere.

I've been lucky enough (sic) where just about everything but soup and protein shakes make me feel terrible, so that's all I want to eat, IF I even want to.

Hopefully you got to meet with a nutritionist and get some meal plan ideas for the first weeks, I would follow those to the letter. I don't know about you, but I don't ever want to have to go through this again :)

Good Luck!


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 3/22/16 5:52 am

I agree with the above posters. I can't have salad for 6 months and fruit with skins like apples until then also.

Also- nuts are on the no list for 6 months along with beef.

I've been really cautious. I only had two issues, one with my calcium chew because of sugar alcohol and egg drop soup. Made me ill.



HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

Nicole K.
on 3/22/16 1:08 pm - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

Glad you mentioned the egg drop soup.  I have been having a terrible time tolerating much and have been living on soup and beans.  Egg drop popped in my mind last night, cause it's just chicken broth with egg, right? Good protein! I was kinda wondering how people tolerated it, I've been sick so much I'm super cautious.


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 3/22/16 4:38 pm

I added spices to mine which tore me up. I made it for the 1st time homemade also.

You might be fine.

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 3/22/16 5:50 am, edited 3/22/16 3:05 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

My worst experience was pure maple syrup.  If I had not been in the "a little won't hurt" mode, I would have read the back of the bottle to see maple syrup has 53 grams of sugar in a fourth cup.  Denial is a b*tch.

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