Realistically - how long should I be off of work? And other questions.

on 3/2/16 7:41 pm, edited 3/2/16 8:39 pm
RNY on 03/23/16


I am having my surgery on March 23. I am so scared, excited and anxious all at once.

i have some questions that only someone who has been through it can answer.

how long should I expect to be in pain?

how bad is the pain?

how long will I be out of work? How long should I request my leave? 

Any single parents out there who have had this done? How do you cope children at home? Mine are 14 and 17 respectively. My eldest is challenged a bit. She does not do well when her schedule is disrupted or without guidance. 


Lots is of questions. I'm nervous. Worried about complications. Nervous that it won't help my diabetes...and the narcissistic part of me is worried about how I will look afterwards.


I am a divorced single mom to two daughters. Survivor or domestic abuse. Cancer survivor...and also someone who has been sick and overweight most of my life. 


White Dove
on 3/2/16 8:30 pm - Warren, OH

I had surgery on Tuesday and went back the following Monday.  I could have gone back Thursday. I was 59 and had a desk job.

I had l liquid Tylenol and never opened it.  There was pain on my left side for about a week

Many people stay home two weeks.

If you do a lot of lifting you might need six weeks.


Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 3/4/16 9:48 am

Had you planned to be out longer?  Did you do all of the leave paperwork to be off for a long time at work, or did you  assume you'd be back quickly?


Im trying to decide how to handle the leave at work now - the official take extened time off route, or, take a week of sick leave, and ask to work from home half days for the second week, planning to be back at work full time sometime during week 2/3.



White Dove
on 3/4/16 10:36 am - Warren, OH

I had arranged six weeks of fully paid sick leave and had another six weeks of paid vacation to fall back on as needed.  Two days out of surgery I felt great and cancelled the leave time. 

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 3/3/16 3:11 am

I couldve gone to work on the second day after surgery.  But it was a friday so I stayed home the weekend and went back Monday.  I had zero pain (that seems to vary from person to person).  Never pushed the "pain med" button in the hospital and never took any of the oxy they sent home with me.

get up and walk as soon as you can, then walk as often as you can.  For some reason I think that helped me a lot.

Laura in Texas
on 3/3/16 4:00 am

What do you do for a living? Most of us take off 2 weeks. I know several people who only took a few days and did just fine.

I am also a single mom. Mine were 3 and 5 when I had my RNY. Your kids will be fine. You will not be able to drive as long as you are taking narcotics. I took mine a week and then switched to Tylenol for another week.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/3/16 10:10 am
RNY on 03/23/16

I work in a hospital as a communications technician. 

A desk job! 

Ive asked for six weeks leave. Is that way too long?i am thinking of my psychological recovery and getting used to eating. 


My kids are almost grown. They will have to cope without me.


thank you for your response. I appreciate it.

on 3/3/16 7:08 pm

Excellent choice. If you have the ability to take off 6 weeks do it! It's major surgery and a MAJOR change in how you eat. It's a big upheaval in your life.

I took 6 weeks off as well.


Laura in Texas
on 3/4/16 9:46 am

For a desk job, I would think you would be fine after 2 weeks, but if you can take off 6 weeks, do it. I am a single mom and did not get paid while I was out so I had to be back in 2 weeks. For me the decision was financial. I was tired, but did fine going back after 2 weeks.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/3/16 5:28 am - Brighton, IL

Worries are totally a normal part of all this. I too had diabetes along with high triglycerides and high cholesterol. My blood pressure was sky high on 3 medicines too. I had been overweight my whole life basically. I had surgery August 29,2012 and have lost 150 pounds and kept it off 21/2 years. I went from a size 26 (tight) to a size 1. Today my blood sugar,triglycerides and cholesterol are totally normal. I am on one low dose BP pill and my pressure is normal. I have had no complications and very little hair loss. I am 56 so I did end up with saggy skin but with how much better I feel,it has all been worth it! I used to go to flea markets with my family and tell them I wanted to watch people. In reality,I knew I was too out of shape to keep up with them. Now my hubby can't keep up with me!! It isn't easy by any means but it IS doable. I still measure my food and track calories and protein every day so my servings stay in line. I exercise some every day because it makes me feel strong and healthy. And I keep my before picture on my frig for those days when stress makes me want to overeat as I reminder to myself of where I came from and of that miserable person I do not EVER want to be again. Hope this helps!



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