2 months

on 3/18/15 10:31 am

Just an update of what's  been happening..good & bad   LOL

.I am 2 months out & 35 pounds down  :)    It feels GREAT! 

I did share a post about "smelling armpits"  ughhh I know, but after hearing some comments I feel better about it..I thought it was just me...altho I'm taking more showers & trying different deoderants    ..a few ppl mentioned that sometimes our sense of smell is stronger after surgery..& now that I think about it, its not just body odor...it seems like I smell cleaning products stronger & sometimes after cooking the smell kind of makes me feel sick..hoping that will eventually go away

I was shocked of how much I loved the Premier protein drinks..I would even crave them..however lately I feel like Im not liking them as much....I keep trying to push that thought out of my mind..


before I NEVER liked water...now I crave it!!  I was a sweet eater...now I can have 1 bite of something sweet & that's enough for me...

This surgery has been the best thing for me!  sometimes I do miss getting to eat a lot or a "normal" portion size...but that's when I way out the odds...and WLS always wins  :)

I started going to the gym  :)   my trouble now is I have no clothes that fit!  but I'm just trying to make do with a few things at a time.

Thank u all for your comments & support...I take a lot from this board :)





    RNY 1/19/15   SW 238  CW 169 GW ??





on 3/18/15 4:55 pm
RNY on 03/10/15

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are doing a great job. My taste and smell I have noticed have also changed too. Things taste very sweet to me now. Yes smells I really notice. My husband cooked something the other day and all through the house I though Oh gag me. It was something that really in general was not bad, but the smell was blah to me. My daughter came by and thought it smelled good.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the update. So good to hear how everyone is doing in their new life.


HW in life 282 HW265 at start SW 244 CW170







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