What's on your menu today, RNYers?

on 9/29/14 12:47 am
RNY on 07/15/14

Hi All!  Figured I would start this post this morning.  I made the mistake of drinking wine on Friday, and have been paying for it since.  90 minutes of hot yoga and lots of walks and water yesterday, and I have lost 2 of the 3 lbs I gained.  This is my first experience post op with a gain, and it is scary!  No more drinks for me.  I am doing an hour on the elliptical tonight.

Hubby is out of town a lot this week for work, which leaves just me and my two year old.  It is actually easier to work out with him away, so I am going to put on my favorite show and jump on that elliptical after she's in bed.  Our dishwasher and microwave broke in one day, so until he fixes them I struggle with dinner.  I'm pretty sure my cooking skills are showing consider how much I rely on a microwave for cooking :)  I made some healthy dishes this weekend, and will have to reheat them in the oven.

Here's my food for today, probably will throw in an extra food item after the protein shake, but I am liking my numbers today.  I am very sensitive to fats I am learning.  I got a sausage egg and cheese sandwich on a flatbread this morning in our work caf and threw out the bread.  Well I threw up from the sausage.  This is the first time I've thrown up in a few weeks.

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Almond Milk - 1 Cup, 0.5 Cup 20 1 1 1 90 0  
Add Food  Quick Tools 20 1 1 1 90 0  
Crockpot Chicken, 1 serving(s) 159 2 4 27 293 0  
Add Food  Quick Tools 159 2 4 27 293 0  
Premier Nutrition - Ready to Drink Chocolate Protein Shake, 1 Shake 12oz 160 5 3 30 360 1  
Add Food  Quick Tools 160 5 3 30 360 1  
Stop & Shop - Cracker Cuts, Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 4 Slices, 4 slices 130 0 10 8 200 0  
Nabisco - Wheat Thins Multigrain Crackers, 10 pieces 81 12 3 1 144 2  
Dannon Light & Fit - Raspberry Chocolate Greek Non-fat Yogurt, 5.3 oz (150g) 80 8 0 12 45 7  
Add Food  Quick Tools 291 20 13 21 389 9  
Totals 630 28 21 79 1,132 10


Surgery Date: 07/15/2014



on 9/29/14 1:17 am - Brighton, IL

Thanks for starting us off this morning KBB. Eating is a learning game for sure after surgery,but we will get there! Its a beautiful day here in Illinois and Lily and I have our 4 mle walk done already. I will also spend 20 minutes on level 2 of 30 day shred after lunch. Post op 25 months tomorrow and weight at 119.6 today. On track with fluids and vitamins so far. Here's my food:B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and half a banana with peanut butter L 31/2 oz deli turkey with cheese and Greek yogurt S apple with peanut butter D 31/2 oz ground beef with cheese and 1/2 c Brussels sprouts S Greek yogurt with nuts. Will have a quiet week around here as hubby is working in New Orleans for two weeks. Hope everyone is having a great Monday!



on 9/29/14 1:29 am, edited 9/29/14 1:31 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Hey KBB,

I have indulged in too much wine post op as well.  I was "lucky" in that I only gained very little or no weight, HOWEVER, I paid for it big time for at least a week after I drank the wine in that my scale grinds to an absolute hault.  Nothing throws me into a stall quicker that alcohol.  I figure in some ways that's a blessing though, because it means I really will only drink when it's scheduled and part of my plan, and realistically, that's very far and few between.  Especially until I'm at goal.

I had a girls weekend in palm springs, and my food choices were less than ideal.  I ate very little protein and way too many snack foods.  I didn't have much in the way of meals at all (mainly b/c I was opting out of eating what was prepared in favor of a shake or nuts), but then I did allow myself to eat the chips lying around, which was not so smart.  But I'm back to good choices today!

Time since surgery: 8 months

B - Light and Fit Greek Yogurt

S - 100 pack almonds

L - Chicken Hummus Power Bowl from Panera

D - I'm thinking scrambled eggs with some boca crumbles and a little cheese

W/V - On track

E - 1 hr spin, 1 hr pilates (I really need this workout tonight)

Have a great day everyone!


on 9/29/14 1:34 am - Brighton, IL

I really am going to have to try that chicken hummus bowl--it sounds delicious!



on 9/29/14 4:19 am
RNY on 01/22/14

I really enjoy it.  It's tasty, plus light.  It's a great lunch!

on 9/29/14 1:55 am - Vero Beach, FL
RNY on 09/12/14

I am 2 weeks 3 days post op :) This morning I had 4 mini squares of shredded wheat cereal with a couple slices of cooked peaches. Of course let the cereal sit in the milk so it was soft. Also, a couple bites of grits with protein powder. I use Genepro protein powder- it can go in anything without adding flavor or texture. Egg salad and hummus for lunch with protein powder. Not sure about dinner yet..have a good day everyone!! 


on 9/29/14 2:13 am - Brighton, IL

Glad to have you join us Addie. It sounds like you are doing well at two weeks out. Before you know it this new way of eating and life will be your new normal!



on 9/29/14 6:02 am - Vero Beach, FL
RNY on 09/12/14

Thank you! This site has been a huge help to me..from getting ready for surgery to now. Just taking a couple Tylenol for any pain- actually I've only taken 1 today! It feels like my nerves are starting to heal..I can feel little "zaps" from the larger incision every once and a while. The only thing that bothers me are the gas pains! I have some chewable gas pills that help, but wondering when my body will finally figure out how to handle gas again. Today I tried doing beano before I ate. Not good. Made me sick and I still had gas pains. Guess I'll be sticking with my chewables and yoga stretching. Did anyone have anything else that helped with gas pains?


on 9/29/14 2:45 am, edited 9/29/14 2:47 am

I had a rough weekend, and went off the rails.  My emotions got the best of me and I lost focus.  I paid for it dearly and still am not feeling 100%.Today is a new day and I can make good choices again.

B:  1/2 apple w/ peanut butter

L:  3 oz deli roast beef with 1 slice muenster cheese

D:  Boneless pork chop with onion and small piece of potato (subject to change, I have not had pork post-op)

S:  1/2 apple w/ peanut butter


on 9/29/14 3:15 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Hi all, thanks for getting the post started today! I forgot to mention last week that I was at a Conference through Wednesday and might not be able to kick things off! But I'm so glad to check in now.

I'm at the state library association conference and having a great time. Lots of colleagues I haven't seen since last year so tons of comments on my appearance. The hotel is filled with giant mirrors (ok, not in a fun house way but as in lots of mirrors in the bathrooms and hallways) so I'm catching a lot more glimpses of myself than normal and I almost do a double-take - it's really showing me who I am now. I also dyed my hair a much darker color on Saturday, so that has me doing double takes.

Luckily there's a mini fridge in my room so I brought my morning yogurts and some good snacks with me and things seem to be ok - I am indulging in diet soda though :-\

Time since surgery: 6.5 months

B: L&F Greek yogurt with sliced almonds and Fiber One original

S: Chike, coffee with cream, and almonds

L: Quest bar (while running around the conference)

S: Kay's Naturals protein pretzels

D: I'll be out to eat for this one with a group I don't know, so not eating like I did last night (I had a Quest bar) isn't a great option. I've checked out the menu online and I think my best choice is going to be a Grilled Chicken and Red Quinoa green salad - it has the chicken and quinoa along with pecans, apples, and other yummy sounding things. I continue to wish I could force myself to like seafood, that would make eating out so much easier!

S: if needed, string cheese

TOTALS (without dinner for now): Calories 750, Protein 78, Carbs 70, Fat 33, Fiber 29 (yippee on the fiber intake)

V/W: on track

E: got up and did the elliptical for 40 minutes to get my day started right! Lots of sitting and listening, so it was nice to be active first thing in the am

Hope everyone has a great day - I'll catch up again with y'all later on in the evening I'm sure!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

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