so much wasted food

on 9/21/14 12:33 pm
RNY on 07/01/14

I am throwing so much food away lately.  I do eat leftovers and take them to work, and my husband does too, but still, I find myself wasting food all the time.  Part of me feels terrible about the waste, and part of me is amazed at how much I used to eat.  It's especially true of restaurant leftovers.  I had salmon the other day, took most of it home,  had it for 2 more meals, and still threw away a good sized piece.  It's just concrete, in my face proof that I ate way too much pre surgery.  



Cheryl N.
on 9/21/14 12:53 pm - Des Moines, WA

How about freezing portions?

246 in Dec 2008 before banded 1/28/09 at 215 lbs, band crapped 9/09 at 170 lbs and struggled with it and regained to 203 revised to bypass on 8/1/11 and am very happy.


on 9/21/14 1:05 pm, edited 9/21/14 1:06 pm

Four years post op and I still buy too much food.  I shop like I am still 240 lbs.  I seriously have enough food in my freezer to eat for a month without ever stepping foot in a grocery and probably a lot longer.

I love a bargain and when something is on sale I load up.  Then I proceed to get sick of whatever it is I bought.  Doesn't matter if I've eaten it daily for the past year, as soon as I have a stockpile it no longer looks good.

I regularly clean out my fridge and freezer and give things to my neighbors.  They love me.  I don't think they've had to shop for a month themselves.

And my poor dogs.  Chihuahuas.  My baby girl was 4 lbs when I had surgery.  Now she is about 9 lbs.  They eat what I don't and they are all overweight.  Every time we go to the vet I get the weight lecture.  It used to be me that was being lectured about, now it's my poor dogs.  Yes, I know it's not healthy but my oldest is 14 and she has earned the right to eat what she wants.

What has helped a lot is buying a Food Saver.  I was just using it tonight.  I cook my meals and freeze extras.  Meat that is on sale gets frozen.  I even freeze things like eggs.  If it can be safely frozen I do it.  I buy rotisserie chickens at Walmart for $2 and cut them up and freeze them.  They taste as good when I heat them up as they did when they were fresh.  And I always  have chicken handy for recipes.

That is why I have such a large stockpile.  I really should avoid shopping for a while until I have used more of the food.  Instead I buy more and I don't even know what I have in there any more.

I also vacuum seal leftovers from restaurants.  That way I have my own frozen meals to take to work.  I've found that if I freeze things first in a tupperware type container, once it is solid I can vacuum seal it.  Oh, and I have lunch meat and cheese frozen, too.  I am going to try to freeze butter since it has been on sale for $2 a pound so of course I have 6 lbs in my fridge.  No lie.  I love butter and go through about a pound a week anyway but this is ridiculous, lol.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 9/21/14 1:22 pm
RNY on 07/01/14

Thanks for the laugh tonight. I'm sold!



on 9/21/14 11:58 pm - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

Walmart chicken and butter for $2.00?!  They are both $5.00 here.  Another wow-- you can eat a pound of butter a week and your highest weight was 240#?  Dang, I've been royally "taken" all the way around.   Well, anyway my tip for having too much wasted food is perfecting salad bar opportunities.  I choose protein like meat chunks, cheese, boiled egg white, and then a couple of veggies like cauliflower and pea pods...a cup of salad bar usually rings up under $2.00--try and beat that price ;)

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/21/14 1:11 pm - OH

The best purchase I ever made for my kitchen was a Foodsaver vacuum sealer.  I actually bought my first one before I had my RNY, but I use it all the time now (and I am 7 years out, so I eat a lot more than I did early out, but I still end up with leftovers that can go bad before I get around to eating them).  I still have 1/3 of a filet mignon that I got at dinner three weeks ago (a 9 ounce filet is three meals for me) and when I open it tomorrow night for dinner, it will be just as delicious as the second portion of it that I ate the night after the original meal.

I use them to vacuum seal cut up fruit (melons, strawberries, cherries) to keep them fresh long after they would have had to be thrown out, and I can grill a whole package of chicken breasts or a whole pound of hamburgers without having to eat the same thing all week long.

You can get one for about $75 at Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc..  The rolls for making the bags are much more economical than the pre-made bags.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/21/14 1:21 pm
RNY on 07/01/14

You all are brilliant! I honestly never thought of a vacuum seal food saver. It's on my next shopping list. Thanks so much!  



on 9/21/14 3:30 pm
RNY on 11/10/14

I agree! Great idea!!







MyLady Heidi
on 9/21/14 3:49 pm

I have learned to eat small, my boyfriend owns a pub and they cook for me often and they are amazed at the size of the plates of food I ask for, I was told a bird couldn't live off the amount I eat and typically they still give me too much if I don't monitor them while they cook.  I love to eat fresh salads with grilled chicken.  Sadly Americans have come to expect these huge plates of food.

on 9/22/14 12:03 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

One of my favorite salad bars I frequent is a local hospital where I volunteer facilitate a weight loss surgery support group.  One of my one-cup portion trips caught a cashier by surprise.  She looked at my 6-inch plate of food and said, "why bother?"  lol

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