
on 8/10/14 10:34 am

I am 3 years post RNY surgery and have gained back about 20 pounds. It scares me because I do not want to go backwards. I find that I am "grazing" and I'm trying to find ways to stop myself from getting back into that habit any more than I am right now. I have increased my activity, using the treadmill and going to a woman's fitness center and I have joined a weight loss program to try and help. I do just fine in the beginning of the day, but as the day goes on, I find myself grabbing some grapes, or some almonds, or a banana every time I walk into the kitchen. I also work 12 hr night shift and as I get tired, I eat more mindlessly. I welcome any suggestions.

Thank you. 


on 8/10/14 10:56 am - OH

I try to keep the foods I would be most likely to graze on out of my house.  If you graze on almonds, then don't buy almonds.  It also helps me to divide food up into single serving portion sizes.  So if you buy grapes, for instance, put one serving in a container rather than having a big bowl of them.

When you're working the night shift, try drinking instead of eating.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Professor Sonja!!!!
on 8/10/14 11:33 am - Miami, FL
RNY on 08/15/12

I don't keep food I like to eat in my house and I am too lazy to go buy it.  Although a small amount of almonds are good for us I want to eat the whole can/bag. I don't keep peanut butter in my house.  I also don't keep bread, crackers, chips or other snacks in my house.  Lucky for me my husband likes to snack on watermelon and grapes and I've never been a big fruit eater.  At work I drink coffee with splenda or ice tea with splenda all day long if I feel the need to snack.  I do eat planned snacks at work all day (10 hour shifts).  I eat a Greek yogurt twice during my shift and I usually eat a salad with chicken on top at lunch.  


Come keep it real in R&R 3.0 Want an invite? PM me here.



(deactivated member)
on 8/10/14 8:22 pm

I am glad when someone else posts things that they don't keep in their house.I can't keep my hands off peanut butter.I can't keep chips, crackers, or bread in the house.

One day my daughter was complaining that there wasn't any bread to make a sandwich.Well if she wants bread or peanut butter she has to buy it. I always have yogurt in the house.I know it just has to be opened and no food prep with it.

on 8/10/14 12:14 pm

I don't know... I could think of much worse things to graze on than almonds or bananas (grapes are kinda high in sugar)... maybe splitting up into serving sizes in baggies might help?  Or half a banana instead of a whole one...

I graze all the time, then again, I bike and stuff a lot... and I try not to drink when I eat... that could also be an issue?


Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!

I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.

on 8/10/14 12:33 pm

What seems to work for me is not drinking with meals or 30 minutes afterwards and also drinking at least 32 oz of fluids before I eat again.

So, breakfast, wait 30 minutes then drink 32 oz of fluids, then meal or snack, wait 30 minutes, drink another 32 oz then meal or snack.

I also use my timer and when I am done with eating I set it for 30 minutes.  That puts an end to my eating since I would have to start the timer again if I eat, so my meals and snacks have a beginning and an end.

I don't have open ended meals or snacks and I don't eat impulsively, whenever I feel like it, but I plan out my food for the day.  I am very generous in my planning so I don't feel deprived and I usually don't get in all the food I allotted for myself.

Basically, I don't practice mindless eating but put thought into whatever I eat, no matter what it is.  

BTW, I don't always make 32 oz between meals, that is just my goal but some days it is 16 oz, somedays it is more.  The point is I make fluids a priority over food since I am usually more thirsty then hungry.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

White Dove
on 8/10/14 8:39 pm - Warren, OH

My surgeon always advises people who are ready for maintenance to hold off on that and lose an additional twenty pounds during their honeymoon period.  Some people will tell you that bounce-back regain is not real, but in my case it was very real. 

I exercised more, went to the gym and joined Weigh****chers when my regain happened.  There was only one thing that finally helped me.  That was weighing every single morning and keeping my total daily calories under 900.  For me it does not matter that much whether the calories came from almonds or string cheese, it is the total amount consumed.

When I finally started tracking everything in My Fitness Pal and stopped avoiding the scale I managed to get back to my goal weight and to stay there.  For me weight loss mode is 900 calories a day for one pound of loss per week.  Then I maintain at 1400 calories a day.  I never add more calories for exercise and exercising does not increase my weight loss.  It might be a change in metabolism caused by the surgery or by my lifetime of dieting. 

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 8/10/14 10:39 pm

Good morning:

I didn't have the same surgery as you but have the same issue as you:  GRAZING!        Am also three years out and had gained 15 pounds.    It has taken nearly two months to take off 7 pounds and still have a ways to go before I get back down to goal.   

LIke others I don't keep anything in the house that I cannot not stop eating.  That means for me all carbs.   I went back to the basics and am eating protein, drinking the water, veggies and occasionally fruit.


  A very good friend took me aside and said:  " Listen, you are an addict.  A food and especially a carb addict.   What does that mean?  It means that one cookie will morph into 10.  One grape will turn into a pound.  One slice of bread will kill the whole loaf.  You are an addict and as such you simply cannot go there.   You are smart.  Just don't go there! "     

It was the slap up the head that I so desperately needed.  I feel better. Not so doughy or 'heavy'.  My skin has cleared up.  Energy levels are back to pre-carb loading.     

The thing is I know all these things so why did I let myself eat my way up to 15 pounds above?  Because I thought that I had ' it' conquered and that one little bit wouldn't hurt and besides I had this maintenance thing down pat.  Hmmmmmmm.  Well it appears not.

You can do this.   You are smart and strong.  Like me you know what to do.  

All the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    We are walking shoulder to shoulder in this believe me. 



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