Me and Peggy-my Peg tube!

on 4/30/14 4:31 am

Day three from PEG placement.  I'm home, slightly upright at times (weak grin), lotsa pain today, but determined to work through it.  Had a wee walk around my

home.  Drank some warm tea and about 10 oz of protein.  So, long day ahead trying for a minimum of 80grams.  Can't use Peggy yet (healing x 7 days) so, all

protein must be orally.  That's been hard to do, but going to make a good effort today.  Better nourishment means faster healing and maybe, God Willing, no

more surgery!!

Hope all is well with my OH Friends!




Lori W.
on 4/30/14 10:05 am - Pittsburgh, PA
RNY on 05/12/14

Glad to hear you're at home healing. I hope your troubles are behind now and all that's left is recovery.


on 4/30/14 1:43 pm

Thanks so much, Lori...I sure appreciate the kind words.

Luck to you as well!




on 3/22/15 4:20 am - Milroy , PA

Hi, I haven't been  active on these boards for a long time. Silly really, I guess I am suffering in silence. Before my RNY and after I was quite active and still recommend these boards to everyone I know going through the process. This website is simply amazing. I know too have a PEG placed and I have had nothing but problems. I am wondering why you waited 7 days to start you feeding through your tube. My tube was left to drainage overnight and then the next day I was hooked up to a feeding pump. Thanks for any information you can give me. I am looking for all kinds of facts. I feel like I am in the middle of the fight of my life. I do believe I have wonderful doctors, but I need to get fixed up I have four grand babies being born this year. Thanks so much. 

on 3/22/15 5:14 am, edited 3/22/15 5:15 am

Hi story is a VERY sad one.  But, I'll only tell you the outcome (there are earlier posts about my MANY complications).  In April 2014 a PEG tube was placed as I was continually unable to eat and remain well nourished.  I had lost my job in April 2014 due to the exacerbation of my physical and emotional deterioration.  The PEG stayed in place until July 2014.  When I lost my job, I lost my health insurance and that was the end of the "global" period of care I was entitled to receive.  The PEG came out and I began to deteriorate again.  I had an unrelenting anastamotic ulcer and the pain in trying to eat or the vomiting, etc was just not worth it.  On October 3, 2014 my small bowel ruptured at the site of one of the ulcers. I was rushed via ambulance to the hospital, then transferred to the original surgical hospital and the former bariatric surgeon (who continually dismissed my problems) was forced to perform a TOTAL TAKEDOWN of my Roux.  It was a total reversal.  I was cut from breast to navel.  I had two drains in me and the stoma site of the PEG still causing additional abdominal pain.  I was in hospital for one week.  I came home for two days (with the drains) then, one of my lungs began to collapse so, I was transported AGAIN via ambulance back to the hospital where I remained another 5 days.   This was about my 14th or 15th hospitalization for complications of my Roux since the original surgery date of 4/3/2012. 

My husband and I are ruined financially.  I have since been placed on PERMANENT disability.  Because I can't work and we are so desperately affected financially from the loss of my salary we became eligible for Medicaid.  THIS WAS NOT HOW I ENVISIONED LIFE AFTER BARIATRIC SURGERY.  This is the downside to this surgery and something few people are made aware of.  When I left the hospital after the lung collapse...I weighed 113 lbs!!!!  I haven't weighed that since highschool and I am 59 now. 

Now that I don't have a Roux, the potential for weight gain is the same as before.  I am extremely angry...actually enraged.  I tried to secure an attorney but, all FOUR firms consider this an elective surgery...hard to win so they say.  My life will never be the same again. To be forced into an early retirement, broke and unsure of how we will live. 

I am not a positive role model for people who are contemplating this surgery.  I tell anyone that asked, FIRST have a surgical plan and post operative plan SIGNED by the physician/surgeon.  Then, I educate people on the possible and very serious side effects bariatric surgery can have on one's life. 

I will be happy to talk to you should you have more questions.



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