How long after eating?

on 3/17/14 9:31 pm

Yesterday morning, I had a cupcake (like an idiot), and yesterday afternoon I ate a few Doritos (because I felt bad about the cupcake). Bad, bad decisions, I know. 

Usually I don't dump or feel badly no matter what I eat (though I'm usually very good), but since last night I've been throwing up. It's now going on 24 hours since the cupcake. Do I have a bug or just a case of idiocy?

Vivian Prouty
on 3/17/14 11:22 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Well sounds like you do dump....BUT you don't dump for 24 hours.   You probably have a stomach bug.    From my experience I never know what will cause me dumping...sometimes eating something with sugar and sometimes greasy foods will cause it.    I think your body is trying to tell you not to eat a cupcake again nor doritos.   Hope you feel better soon and you didn't say how far out you are from surgery.   Hope you feel better soon.


Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 3/17/14 11:33 pm

I'm about 7 months out. I don't know why I ate those things. A moment of weakness.



on 3/18/14 12:22 am

It happens.  But we should have learned that beating ourselves up over food is counterproductive.

You made some food choices that were not in line with your surgeon's guidelines and maybe that caused this, but more than likely you just happened to get the stomach bug that is going around.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.




HW: 440.5  RNY 2/18 (Feb - 27, Mar -21, Apr -11, May -15.5, Jun - 12, Jul -14.5, Aug -9, Sept -11, Oct 6.2)

on 3/18/14 12:51 am

Sounds like you might be sick. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Unfortunately, you will not know until you eat again. Follow your usual plan and hopefully whatever happened is out of your system by now. If not, then you probably have a virus.

 “Let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.”― Marc Hack

Ht:5'4 SW:268 CW:127.2 GW:125 RNY 06/09 Stomach/colon revision 11/13  

on 3/18/14 5:55 am - FL
RNY on 08/07/13

I posted on a similar incident that I had a month or so ago - and I will pass on some advice that was given to me:

Cut yourself some slack, you are human and humans do stupid, self-defeating stuff sometimes.  Some humans more than others... but that is beside the point.

I would also add that when I quit beating myself up over WHAT I did - I could focus on WHY I did it.  Did I let myself get too hungry?  Did I feel sad about something?  Was I worried?  It actually turned out to be pretty informative.

Hope you tummy feels better soon!

on 3/18/14 11:20 pm

Thanks! And yes. I know exactly why I did it. I was upset that I forgot the granola I was going to put in my yogurt, so I grabbed something from our St. Patrick's day table. And then I was upset that I'd eaten a cupcake, so I grabbed Doritos. Dumb, but definitely within my normal personality. I guess I'll continue to struggle with that. 

The good news is, dumping or no, I'm better today. Yesterday I ate only crackers and a yogurt. Hardly any protein at all, but everything stayed down, which was good. Today, I may be ready for some actual food. 

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