Almost three weeks post, ER trip!

on 3/14/14 10:35 pm

Good news, I had my two week follow up with my surgeon today. I've lost 21 pounds! I can't even believe it. I feel so much better even with that small amount lost. I still feel exhausted and it's really taking a toll. I can hardly exercise at all. 15 minutes on my shiny new treadmill is killer. 

"Bad" news, I've been having pains exactly like gallbladder attacks for the past few nights. Tonight was the WORST, and I finally gave in and schlepped to the ER. I was put on the strongest painkiller I've ever had. Oh I love you. Anyway, after a CT scan, the doctor told me I was just severely constipated! Are you kidding me?!?! I'm glad there's nothing else wrong, but it was still kind of embarrassing!!! Those pains did not feel like I had to poop. It felt like death! I hope tomorrow will be filled with a lot of trips to the bathroom and feeling better! 

on 3/14/14 11:12 pm

Congrats on your weight loss! & glad it was nothing serious, better to be safe than sorry! :)

on 3/15/14 5:04 am
RNY on 03/18/14

Weigh yourself after those tips and I bet you will weigh a lot less!      Congrats on the    21 pounds, you are sounding very successful!


    H/W: 312 S/W: 280 C/W: 196 Surgery date: 3/18/2014

on 3/15/14 6:01 am - Bay Area/Silicon Valley, CA
Revision on 12/18/13

I will tell you my story in a nutshell - DO NOT MESS WITH CONSTIPATION!

Surgery was 12/18/13.  Zooming along at nine weeks doing GREAT, except that I'd basically been constipated the entire time.  Three weeks ago, I started feeling pain in my left side.  Three days later it was worse.  Called my surgeon, CT scan, diagnosis?  Diverticulitis.  No, this wasn't caused by the surgery (RNY), but the high-protein, uber-low fiber diet caused the constipation and resulting problem.

Three different antibiotics later (I finish them on Monday), and if these don't do it, it's the hospital for IV antibiotics, and probably a bowel resection.  I do NOT want to do that.  So let me tell you I take Colace, Magnesium, Miralax, and add Benefiber to all kinds of stuff.  And ALL of that gives me acceptable bowel movements.  And the doc says as long as I stay regular, I might not have another flare up.

So - as I said above, do NOT let yourself get constipated.  Diverticulitis sucks.

Just my two cents worth.



Leslie - Band Revision to RNY - best thing ever!   HW: 234   SW: 222  CW: Ticker  GW: 130

on 3/15/14 11:36 am

Oh my god that's awful!!! I will definitely stay on top of it. 

on 3/15/14 12:23 pm - Mechanicville, NY
RNY on 02/24/14

I am also almost 3 weeks post op & will take this into consideration.  Going from being an "everyday gal", to a a "couple times a week".. i'm not ok with that!  I will definately be adding fiber!   

Thanks for sharing your stories! I hope everyone remains healthy!



on 3/16/14 3:47 am, edited 3/16/14 3:47 am - Canada

Just keep in mind though, that if nothing much is going in, nothing much is going to come   But Phillips Milk of Magnesia works if needed.  Might take another day or two, but it is gentle; this was given to me in the hospital....


on 3/16/14 3:09 am - Litchfield, NH
RNY on 03/05/13

Constipation is nothing to mess with! I've been in the ER more times than I care to count between severe constipation and my ulcer. I've had bowel impactions too. So not fun. I now do 3 capfuls of miralax a day and 3 sennekot laxative pills per a day. And 3-4 colace a day to stay semi regular. I can go anywhere from gaining 3lbs in stool to 17lbs most recently.its not something to mess with and yes it's extremely painful!!!! Not to mention frustrating and depressing. I am also on long term narcotics which causes constipation. Stay on top of it so it doesn't get that bad again. Did they give you an enema to get things going?

HW: 401  SW: 297  CW: 200.8
RNY gastric bypass surgery on March 5th, 2013


RNY on 10/21/13

17 lbs from constipation?!?! What?!?! Ohh, I am so sorry..that has got to be awful. I have some constipation here and there and have had to give birth to two poo babies in the past almost five months, but the max I have ever had in regards to gain from stool was maybe 3 pounds. I start feeling awful if I haven't gone in a day and start taking measures to get things moving in addition to what I already do daily.

How in the world did they figure out you gained 17 lbs from constipation?

LAP RNY 10.21.13  Pounds lost by month: 1: 34 2: 25 3: 16 4: 12 5: 7 6: 18 7: 10 8: 8 9:15 10:10 11: 10  12:  Total so far: 190! pounds


(deactivated member)
on 3/16/14 9:34 am
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