
on 3/5/14 3:23 am - CT
RNY on 04/08/13

not having a great day today, my doctor had put me on lexapro for anxiety and depression i have been having since my boyfrien passed away 7 months ago, 2 months after i had my surgery and im starting to feel like is it really worth it.  i have lost 200 lbs so i know health wise it was an amazing choice i guess i am just having a crappy day.  im not eating enough and i know that but i am trying to lose a lot faster i would like to lose 75 more which would bring me down to 110 as a goal weight ( i am 5'10'') i have been taking ambien for close to two years now but it has stopped working and i havent been sleeping so my dr has switched me to lunesta and i start tonight, hopefully i sleep!  i havent been feeling like myself in months now and i dont think the lexapro is working

i guess i just really needed to vent

on 3/5/14 3:44 am
VSG on 08/06/14

I'm sorry you are having a difficult time.  I'm not sure how long you've been taking the Lexapro, but Lexapro and many antidepressants take at least a month to see its full effect.  Hang in there! Sending lots of love your way 


 Vsg on 8/6/14  5'8" HW 266 SW 243 CW 169 GW 155. 



(deactivated member)
on 3/5/14 3:50 am

One thing with meds for sleeping if your mind is not ready for bed you will not be able to sleep.I try every night to relax and make mind from everything that is going on.Yeah like that is easier said than done.I hope you are feeling better.That is great you have lost 200 lbs.I am sure the lexipro will start working and you will feel better.Winter time can be a dreary place.If you live in have a little bit longer of a winter.Today is nice maybe try to get outside and get some fresh air and some sun.

on 3/5/14 5:05 am - Australia
RNY on 07/10/13

Sorry to hear about your troubles and I do hope tomorrow is a better day. Congratulations on your success so far.

I don't have any advice around your meds but did want to make 1 comment and please don't take it as snarky or know all but just concerned that you might be putting excess pressure on yourself if you are attempting to get down to 110 pounds. This seems like a very low weight for someone who is tall like yourself.



on 3/5/14 6:34 am - Brighton, IL

Sorry to hear that you are not doing well. Perhaps it's time to call your doctor or therapist. Also as the other poster stated, 110 is too low at your height. That would be a bmi of 15.9 which is dangerously underweight. Your body will settle at the weight it wants to be at--the one that is healthy for you!



on 3/5/14 7:20 am

You've really had a rough time of it.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I agree with the others in that 110 for someone 5'10" is low.  I wouldn't think your physician would have agreed to this.  When I switched my anti-depressant med I to had to wait awhile for it to kick in so to speak.  If you can hang in there till it works I'm sure things will come around.  You have done so well on your weight loss I am just envious!  I hope sleep comes for you.  Take care. 

                Can't Never Did Nothin !!  

on 3/5/14 5:38 pm
RNY on 05/13/13
On March 5, 2014 at 11:23 AM Pacific Time, alexadenitto wrote:

not having a great day today, my doctor had put me on lexapro for anxiety and depression i have been having since my boyfrien passed away 7 months ago, 2 months after i had my surgery and im starting to feel like is it really worth it.  i have lost 200 lbs so i know health wise it was an amazing choice i guess i am just having a crappy day.  im not eating enough and i know that but i am trying to lose a lot faster i would like to lose 75 more which would bring me down to 110 as a goal weight ( i am 5'10'') i have been taking ambien for close to two years now but it has stopped working and i havent been sleeping so my dr has switched me to lunesta and i start tonight, hopefully i sleep!  i havent been feeling like myself in months now and i dont think the lexapro is working

i guess i just really needed to vent

I'm sorry to hear you have had so many challenges and I am sorry for the loss of your boyfriend.

That said, I am concerned that at 5' 10", no matter HOW finely boned you are, that 110 is a very low weight to aim for. Is your doctor on board with that number? I know a lot of people here poo-poo the BMI charts, but 15.7 is severely underweight. Have you considered seeing what things look like at maybe 160? That is my goal weight (I am 5' 11") and the closer I get (15 lbs to go!) the more I know it is the right one for me. And therein lies the answer....what is right for you...but hearing 5' 10" going for 110 does give me pause. And I am a strong advocate for being thin and lean post-op...but please be good to yourself. 



HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 3/6/14 12:50 am
RNY on 12/18/12

Sorry you are having a rough time.  No sleep meds work for me at night because of anxiety.  I started taking Xanax at night and sleep very well now - all night.  Anxiety will override sleep meds.  I'm with the other commenters - 110 for your height would be way too thin.....not healthy thin, and probably impossible to reach.  I am 5'1 and my goal is 125 and I wear a 2/4.  You would probably even have a hard time shopping for clothes at that weight/height.  Talk to your doctor about a healthier weight goal.  Hope things get better soon.  Sounds like you've been through a lot in a short amount of time!


on 3/6/14 6:24 am
RNY on 03/18/14

That's what we are here for, to listen when people are having that difficult day and time. Are you going to any counseling? You don't have to answer that, but if you are not please consider it. You have gone through some terribly huge life-changing events and could be a little low on coping skills. 

Just know that you are in my thoughts as you navigate tough times.


    H/W: 312 S/W: 280 C/W: 196 Surgery date: 3/18/2014

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