First visit with Surgeon - Finally some answers!

on 2/5/14 11:39 am
RNY on 06/03/14

My husband and I had our first office visit with the surgeon yesterday!  He agrees that we are both good candidates for RNY.  Insurance requires 3 months monitored dieting.  Doctor would like me to lose at least 10 pounds before surgery and hubby to lose about 40.  For the first time ever I was glad that I carry my weight in my hips and thighs and not in the front in my stomach! haha!  So, my dieting months are Feb/Mar/April and hopefully I can have surgery sometime in May (depending on how smoothly insurance approval goes).  Then the plan will be for hubby to have his surgery in June.   I already liked the office staff and surgeon from when we had met them at the seminar, but they were fantastic yesterday.  They all seem to genuinely care about you and want to really help you on your journey.  They are open to answering questions at any time and encouraged us to call at any time.

I know my biggest obstacle is exercise.  I struggle with being active.  I have a desk job and sit all day.  The doctor/staff encouraged me to start slow - - 10 minutes a day - - get my heart rate up and shoot to have more days where I DO exercise than days where I don't.  I can do this!  I found some simple videos online that I am going to try to use to get started.  I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel now whereas before it was all just wondering if it would really happen, etc.  

on 2/5/14 11:57 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

I'm a huge advocate of walking.  Go walking around your building during your lunch break, then eat while you work.  Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day and work toward it.  Good luck!

on 2/5/14 4:50 pm

Eliminate all processed carbs (white foods) from your diet.  Just by dropping rice, bread, potatoes and pasta, I managed to drop about 25# pre-op.  It helps to empty your cupboards as well, so you don't have the nasty little suckers calling you in the middle of the night.

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