Question: Weight loss after 1 year?

on 10/28/13 6:56 pm

I really would like to hear from any of you about continuing to lose weight after your one year mark. I am more than a year post-op and have stalled for about three months. I am worried that that is it. I still have not hit my goal and would like to continue losing, but do not know how long it has taken others to lose all of the weight. I see some people that have lost 100 or more lbs in less than a year. That makes me feel pretty bad about myself. I guess I just need some tips, encouragement, and mostly reassurance. How long did you keep losing? Thank you for any words you may offer.

on 10/28/13 8:54 pm
RNY on 05/13/13

My husband was one year on the 18th and has continued to lose. He is below his goal, but he still has not reached a point where he is too thin. He is in the 'overweight' category by like 10 or 11 lbs per the BMI charts. So very close to normal. But he still does lose a pound or so a week. He was losing 5 or more lbs a week for a while. He's down 150 something pounds now. 

Are you really focused on lean proteins, hydration and exercise?


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 10/28/13 11:37 pm
Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate it! I am glad to hear I will still be able to lose. As for being focused, no. I had really gotten off track. I was not drinking nearly enough water and my workouts had become sporadic and off schedule. I am jump starting my efforts once again and luckily my fiancé is very supportive and doing it with me. Now that I have voiced my disappointment and frustration, it seems that help is pouring in. I am really very grateful!
on 10/28/13 10:19 pm - CT

I was one year out on Oct 18. I have been at a  standstill for about 2 months now. I can say that I would have lost if I didn't snack. I am very close to normal BMI which is my goal weight, but most importantly I want to make sure I don't regain weight.  So I am starting by focusing on protein, vegetables will be my snacks if needed.   Going to four exercise classes a week is a must for me.  I need to keep focused on all that it took to get the surgery and how great I look and feel now.  But as you know, its very very hard to do.  Maybe you should see a dietician/personal trainer to help you get on track. No matter what, don't give up. You've come too far to let it all go now. 


on 10/28/13 11:39 pm
Thank you! I think you're right about the snacking. I've been guilty of that too. I am working at tightening up on myself again and going back to the rules and guidelines to help me get back on track. Thank you so much for posting a reply!!
on 10/28/13 10:37 pm - Wilmington, NC

I was a lightweight, and at my goal at a year. I've only lost a couple more pounds, here and there.  I'm now almost 2 years out and have maintained, definitely no longer have malabsorption and have to pay attention to what I eat.  But it's a blessing!

Ellen            RNY      Surgery Date: 12/6/2011
5' 5.5"          Surgery BMI 37.5        HW 254            SW 230         GW 150 - reached 11/6/12 


on 10/28/13 11:43 pm
Thank you so much for sharing! All of this feedback is incredible and so much help!!
on 10/28/13 11:10 pm

I continued to lose weight for almost 2 years.  It really slowed down at the year mark.  I would go for months without losing and then I would lose maybe 5 pounds over a few weeks.  After the first year it was much harder and it was more my work than the surgery.  I still had the restriction, but I had to work much harder for the weight to come off.  Stalls were common.  The restriction was there, but I had to watch everything I ate and exercise a lot.  I kept my calories to 1000 , avoided refined carbs and limited "healthy" carbs, and exercised 5 days a week to include running and weights.  I also made sure I ate on schedule and was not grazing.  Little bites and licks count and add up!.  Now I  watch everything I eat and still exercise diligently. 

I know you have heard this before, but I will say it again.  Everyone loses at a different rate.  Try not to compare yourself to others.  I was a slow loser and understand how discouraging it is to see others reach their goal in less than a year.  It is possible to lose after a year, but it takes work.  Really look at what you are eating and how much you are exercising.  Some people are able to get to goal without exercise, but I was not.  Be patient and don't give up.  Finally look at your goal.  Is it realistic for your body type?  Not everyone is going to be a size 6. 

on 10/28/13 11:43 pm
Wow!! This is an excellent reply!! Thank you do much. It really helps to hear these things. It's very reassuring! You're so right that all snacking and grazing adds up. That and hydration are some things I could improve on for sure!
Sarah R.
on 10/29/13 2:00 am

It took me over 2 years to lose 100 lbs since surgery. I gained weight the winter of my first year so had to relose that and lose more throughout this year. Not everyone loses quickly but it can still come off. Im still about 35 lbs from my goal and may be turtle slow but I'll make it yet.





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