Question related to Hypoglycemia

on 9/26/13 12:15 pm - FL

Once in awhile, I find myself experiencing the "out of body" dissociative feeling associated with Hypoglycemia.  The question I have is what are some of the foods (or drinks) that I can reach for that will quickly stabilize my blood sugar?  What should I always have on hand ready to pop in my mouth?  

Thanking you in advance for your suggestions.


Jacob H.
on 9/26/13 12:19 pm - CA

I keep peanut butter crackers on hand, cheese sticks work for me also


True victory comes at the very end, when you can say, " I lived, and will gladly do it again." View "failure" as a setback, and meet each accomplishment with a larger goal.

on 9/26/13 12:24 pm - FL

I was wondering if peanut butter crackers were actually a good choice as the last time I had the experience, I did grab some peanut butter crackers and they did seem to return me back to planet earth rather quickly.  

Thanks for your suggestions are they are very much appreciated!!

H.A.L.A B.
on 9/26/13 2:33 pm
I use PB. Greek yogurt if I am at home.
I have nuts and nut butter always with me. There are individually packed but butter that I always have with me. Very stable, don't spoil. Justin's but butter.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 9/26/13 12:30 pm
The small tubes of icing - rub along the gum line.
Typically any juice or soda will bring it up. pEanut butter
They also make glucose tablets you can buy at walgreens, Walmart etc
on 9/26/13 1:18 pm, edited 9/26/13 8:14 pm
My go to is peanut butter crackers I keep them at home, work, in my car. A protein with fat and carbs works best for me. I would not classify myself as having RH as it happens sparingly and totally my fault. A couple times a year at most is my experience.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

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Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/26/13 1:36 pm - OH

Yep, peanut butter crackers or cheese and crackers.  I also find that orange juice and milk both work for me (although you obviously cannot carry those in your purse).  I also find that they work more quickly than solid foods because they get into the intestine more quickly, but I have ordinary hypoglycemia not Reactive Hypoglycemia and apparently some people with RH find that OJ isn't a good choice.  



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on 9/26/13 9:20 pm - FL

I will start keeping orange juice in the fridge at work and home so I can get to it quickly, and I have just this morning put some peanut butter crackers in my purse so I'll have those in the event it happens away from home or work.

Fortunately, it does not happen often.

Thanks so much for your input as I always (as in always, always) respect your suggestions and feedback.  

MyLady Heidi
on 9/26/13 11:57 pm

OJ is full of sugar, it is a bad choice if you have RH.  A decent protein is your best bet.  Protein bars work for me.  I never combat RH with sugar unless I am looking to go again, which is less then fun.

on 9/26/13 3:37 pm

I found that a protein bar like Quest or Think Thin chunky peanut butter works well.

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