Surgery type changed ...

on 9/10/13 11:10 am
VSG on 01/09/14

So, I spoke with my surgeon today and was very impressed by his knowledge, caring and insight. He spoke with me about the pros and cons of RNY - I'd originally wanted the sleeve but TriCare won't cover that surgery. So, bottom line, I'm not having RNY. If everything goes well, I'll have VSG in January - if not, I don't know when it will be done. I may have to wait another six months to a year. I will be absolutely devastated if it takes that long, but I have to be realistic too. I'm really sad right now. I'd thought I'd be on the bench in a couple of weeks ... now it's going to be months again. I am so flipping confused right now. I feel like I've made the right decision, but I was so ready to have this over and start my WLS journey. With my family history, VSG is way better for me, so I know this is the right decision. But, I'm still sad

CJ Smith

“To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.”
Marilyn Monroe

on 9/10/13 11:15 am - OH

So will you be paying yourself, if TriCare doesn't cover VSG?  Or are you hoping they will cover it in January?

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 9/10/13 12:31 pm
VSG on 01/09/14

I can go through my work for insurance. The way TriCare is the new insurance will be my primary insurance and TriCare secondary. This way (I hope), according to the insurance coordinator, my new insurance will pay for the sleeve and TriCare will pick up the balance - no more additional costs for me since my employer pays for single coverage.

If I lived near a military treatment facility, I'd go that route, but I don't. I believe the nearest MTF is five hours away.

I wish I'd been able to speak with the surgeon prior to today ~ but I can't change that now. I have to move forward. I really hope this all works out because I certainly don't want to start all over again and still be waiting for a date a year from now.

CJ Smith

“To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.”
Marilyn Monroe

on 9/10/13 11:36 am - TX
RNY on 09/04/13 with
I wish you well! I had RNY last Wednesday and also have Tricare - I briefly researched the sleeve but knew it wasn't an option so don't know as much about it. The time will pass quickly!


on 9/10/13 12:36 pm
VSG on 01/09/14

Thank you. If MediCare covers this and they're a federal insurance agency, I don't understand why TriCare won't. However, I can only do what I can do.

On a different note - congratulations on your journey. I hope you're doing really well (weight loss is terrific!). Keep up the awesome work.

CJ Smith

“To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.”
Marilyn Monroe

on 9/10/13 11:44 am
RNY on 05/08/13

Are you going outside a military hospital? Tricare does cover the sleeve when it's done at a military installation. I know his because my friend just had it done here at Fort Hood. 





on 9/10/13 12:34 pm
VSG on 01/09/14

Central KY doesn't have any MTFs - I'd have to go to Ft. Campbell. I'd do that, if it were feasible, but TriCare would ***** more than they already have. They're great when it's working for you, but really suck when you're no longer 'active duty' or 40 miles away from a MTF.

CJ Smith

“To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.”
Marilyn Monroe

Katie K.
on 9/10/13 7:14 pm - Maitland, FL
RNY on 06/25/13
Forty miles is worth it to me. That's about how far away my hospital is. It's kind of far but I still make it to my appointments and monthly support meetings.


on 9/11/13 9:57 am
VSG on 01/09/14

Ft Campbell is about 5-6 hours away. If it were 40 miles I'd be there in a heartbeat - no hesitation at all.

CJ Smith

“To all the girls that think you’re fat because you’re not a size zero, you’re the beautiful one, its society who’s ugly.”
Marilyn Monroe

Jacob H.
on 9/10/13 3:45 pm - CA

I found out 12 hours before surgery that I wasn't getting the VSG, but rather the RNY, it was so new at the time that my insurance wouldn't cover it. My doctor had me at ease fast, but I almost backed out. I'm glad I didn't. With how much I love sugar, it wouldn't have been successful for me long term.


True victory comes at the very end, when you can say, " I lived, and will gladly do it again." View "failure" as a setback, and meet each accomplishment with a larger goal.

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