Is My Goal Realistic?

Samantha Lightner
on 7/18/13 2:12 am
RNY on 07/30/13 with
I am 19 years old and weigh 237 .I'm currently on day 3 of my liquid diet. I am 5'4. My surgeonsI goal is to be at 150lbs but I would love to be al 125-130. What do you all think?
Kidda G.
on 7/18/13 3:00 am

Did you look up the medical charts for your height and age to get a fair range as your guide? I am 5'2, one year post-op, & my highest weight was 227. I am at 140 lbs. now & my nutritionist suggests that my body could be settling in at that weight given my last few weigh-ins. However, my goal weight is 123-127 range. It's a healthy weight for me at 40 years old so I'm not giving up on that. I do know that I must practice patience (all in good time)... If in doubt discuss this further with your doctor or nutritionist... Best of luck to you on your journey!

on 7/18/13 3:02 am - Rochester, NY
RNY on 01/21/13

In other words, your goal is to lose 100% of your excess body weight.  It is certainly a reachable goal but the road will be difficult; most do not make it that far.  Though many do through determination and a complete embrace of the post-op lifestyle.

Good luck!

on 7/18/13 3:20 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/27/12

Here is some anecdotal data for you.  I am 5'4, heaviest weight was 272, surgical weight was 233.  I am just coming up on my 7 month surgiversary, and I weighed in at 149 this morning.  I seem to be steadily losing between 7 and 9 pounds per month now.  I have no doubt this will slow down, but it hasn't yet.  My original goal weight was 145, but I plan on riding this train until it stops on its own.  I know my body will readjust.  And, I don't really exercise.  I certainly am not sedentary, and I am active in my social life, but I don't go to the gym or spend time everyday on the elliptical. 

If you want that, go for it!  Good luck!

HW: 274 | SW: 232 | CW: 137 | Goal: 145 (ticker includes a 42 pound loss pre-op) | Height: 5'4"

M1: -24 (205) | M2: -14 (191) | M3: -11 (180) | M4: -7 (173) | M5: -7 (166) | M6: -8 (158) | M7: -11 (147) | M8: -2 (145) | M9: -3 (142) | M10: -2 (140) | M11: -4 (136) | M12: -2 (134) | M13: -0 (134) | M14: -3 (131) | M15: +4 (135) | M16: +2 (137)

on 7/18/13 7:33 am
RNY on 05/13/13
That is not anecdotal, that is actual data.
Youth is on your side, OP, so be glad for that!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 7/18/13 4:03 am - Brighton, IL

It's really hard to say. I am 5'6" tall and weighed 253 the day of surgery. About 11 months later I weigh 125. Set your own goal and just work toward it. I set my original goal at 160 at my surgeon's advice but was there at 6 months. Then I set my goal at 140 which I met at 8 months. I just kept following my plan and exercising every day and this is where I settled. I guess my body likes this weight and so do I!



on 7/18/13 4:26 am

I'm 43 5' 3" and I was 230 the day of surgery. My RNY Dr said the same thing that I should be 150 BUT according to the CDC's BMI chart I am still listed as overweight at that point. My personal goal is 130 (max) since that will put me at a healthy BMI. My thinking is I did this to be healthy, I don't want to be in the overweight catagory.

My regular physician actually gave me the best advice. She said "listen I can give you a number but you could get to that weight & think your too thin. Let's see how your looking as you get closer to the "healthy bmi" range & we can see how you feel how you look. You may feel you need a few extra lbs on you.




on 7/18/13 5:20 am

That'll put you at a little over 100 lbs to's definitely realistic to lose for most over 100 lbs.  However, since no one knows your body composition (small/medium/large bone structure) and various other personal info it would be hard to say your goal is realistic for you. 

You have lots on your side including age, go for it and work hard.  Very happy for you to be able to take control of your life at a young wishes.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/18/13 8:13 am, edited 7/18/13 8:14 am - OH

Maybe.  It really depends on your body composition.  I am 5'3.5" and weigh 143 (always within a couple of pounds of 145, one direction or the other) but I am 50 years old, still have DDD-cup boobs, and have always had very muscular thighs and large leg and knee bones (based both on X-ray and TWO ortho surgeons' categorizations, not just my own evaluation).  I also still have a small amount of residual fat on my inner thighs (and LOTS of extra skin there as well).  So, even if I lost 5 pounds of fat from my inner thighs, I couldn't get down to 130, let alone 125, by if you don't have my boobs and thighs, it may very well be realistic for you.  I know a number of people who are between 5'3" and 5'5" who are all in the low 140s, though, FWIW.  

The is also sometimes a difference in what you can get down to vs. what you can maintain long term.  Not for everyone, but for many people.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Katie K.
on 7/18/13 9:58 am - Maitland, FL
RNY on 06/25/13

My surgeon doesn't set any weight/weight loss goals. Nothing with numbers, anyway. He just wants your overall health to be better and your comorbidities gone or improved.

I'm 5'4 and would like to get to 130. That's a 150-pound weight loss for me. I've lost 51 so far, 39 pre-op. My sister-in-law is fit and also 5'4. That's where I got the number from. I'd like to be her size.


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