4 year surgiversary (long, but there's a shortcut)

on 7/2/13 12:53 pm - Milton, Canada

Hi there,

One thing I most wanted to know about was what was life like long term.   I had a hard time finding those answers so I thought I'd write a post to let you know.  At 4 years out I know I'm not that far out but longer than most that post here. BTW , This post ended up longer than I expected so if you would like to skip ahead look for the statement "So what is life like now"

First a little back ground..   I had been heavy all my life.  I had no healthy eating habits.  I did not exercise. I had no idea what it took to maintain a healthy weight.  I was not unhappy that way.  I could do most things I wanted so I never felt like my life was limited.  I gave myself excuses when things came up I couldn't do like fitting on an amusement park ride.  Eventually life changed.  In 2007 I suffered a back injury at work, after a very long and painful recovery I returned to regular duties.  Almost 1 year later I suffered a second back injury.  After this I did not recover.  Despite following a rehab plan I had no improvement.  I saw specialists but was told I had to lose weight.  I made some half hearted attempts but never really got anywhere.  My family doctor suggested WLS around this time but I felt I could do it myself.  A year after my second injury I had to leave a job I loved because I was in too much pain to perform it.  My life revolved around the severe constant pain I was in.  I could not sit or stand for more than 5 mins at a time.  Even though I moved to an office position I was still in severe pain.  This was my wake up call.  My mom has been morbidly obese all her life and she had to retire in her fifties because of knee issues.  Here I was at 39 and I felt like I had worse days than she did.  So I now made a concerted effort to lose weight. I had lost weight on my own in the past so I figured I could do it on my own.  Unfortunately my inability to exercise made losing weight impossible for me.  I struggled for some time before I finally asked for some help.  My family Dr. again suggested WLS  and this time I was ready to consider it.   My former position was ICU nursing so I fully understood how drastically WLS like RNY would impact my body.   I was extremely apprehensive but started the process as I felt I was at my wits end.  I would say that even as I waited in the pre-op area I questioned whether I was making the right decision.  As you can tell, I went through with it.

I did well post op.   No major issues, though at about 9 months post op I required iron infusions.  After that all was well.  Being so restricted post op was a challenge don't get me wrong, but it allowed me the time to totally reset my eating habits.  There were times I ate too much, didn't chew enough, drank too much, didn't eat enough etc.  But time allowed me to learn what my body needed.  Exercise remained a challenge.  For me weight loss has always been closely tied to exercise.  So this was a huge hurdle I had to manage.  I started by walking several times a day for about 10 mins.  By the time I returned to work I was up to about 20 min intervals.  So I walked on my coffee break, lunch and after dinner.  I worked and worked until those walks got up to an hour at a time.  I was in severe pain all this time, I took pain meds on a regular basis.  I used to take NSAIDS but that was no longer an option.  Pain management was very difficult but I made the resolve that I would do everything I could to make this procedure a success so I persevered through the pain.  I read about other's weight loss on this site and felt very disheartened that I felt I was not losing as quickly as a should.  I sought out weight loss support groups in my area.  I attended group sessions and met an informal group that met at a local coffee shop.  I really needed the support of  others who were going through the same journey as me.  Even though my family was very supportive of my decision to have RNY, it was without understanding the decision I had made or making any changes to their lifestyle that would help keep me on track.  I co-own a house with my sister and there were chips and chocolate, pop and fried foods around everywhere I turned.  I had to learn coping strategies to live with all this around me. For me it was totally unrealistic that I would never have another chip or sweet, but my attitude has totally changed about how I approach these foods.

Fast forward about a year .  I realized I wasn't taking pain medication as often and what pain I had wasn't so severe.  Walking was no longer a challenge but something I craved.  By this time I had lost just under 100lbs.  There were plateaus and set backs but I did lose weight.

So what is life like now...

I still measure and weigh my food on a regular basis.  I never had any food intolerances so I can eat anything.  At 4 years out, if I'm not careful I can totally overeat.  I find it very easy to gain and must keep an eye on this to maintain.   I use an phone app to keep periodic checks on my food intake so I can catch myself if I am falling into bad habits.  Keeping a diary of food intake with an app allows me to make decisions about food choices before I eat them; I find this a good tool for me. I keep pre-portioned food in the freezer so I always have something handy.  I have a plan for what I can eat when I want a quick dinner.  I have a plan for what I can eat when I need to have fast food.  If I'm going to a new restaurant I do my best to check the nutrition information before I go so I know what my choices are.  (sometimes the things you think are a good choice have hidden calories).  If you haven't had surgery yet you may think this is a ton of work but rest assured this is a way of life now so it no longer feels like effort.  I incorporate it into my everyday life.  It's simple really, for example if I make dinner I make an extra serving for freezing so there is always something ready.  

I need to exercise on a routine basis throughout the week.  Exercise will always be a part of my life, I find it very difficult to maintain my weight without it.  My walking habit progressed to jogging.  I never in my wildest dreams believed I could do this, in fact last year I ran a half marathon!  

The mental aspect of this is huge and cannot be overstated.  I felt myself faltering early and sought help.  Look for what will help you succeed.  The mind games you play with your self never end.  I still feel I slip into the mentality of the fat chick. A few weeks ago I was out walking with a friend, I lent her my rain jacket and pulled out my size 2x expecting I could comfortably wear this.  I was pleased to say the jacket was flapping all around my body during the walk and I have finally retired this item.  Even after all this time I still have to remind myself I have changed.   I still struggle with my body image.  I have grown so much on a personal level that I was able to overcome this and I know I will be able to handle any of life's challenges.

Oh yes, I have lots of loose skin, I was old enough that my skin did not bounce back.  I would love to have plastic surgery but that will likely never be in my budget.  I still feel self conscious but it's getting better.  I would have liked to lose about 15lbs more but that never seemed to happen.  Even so, I am very happy with my results.  

So I will conclude with answering the questions I most wondered about.

Would I recommend this surgery to others?

Yes...but with reservations.  This procedure is not a magic cure for obesity.  You have to work hard to have your tool work for you.  You have to be mentally prepared for this and lifestyle changes associated with it.  If you have made this resolve then Go for It!

Is life hard to manage with the changes required for this surgery?

No, not after I allowed time to get used to the change in lifestyle.  It took time, don't get me wrong but this is totally do-able.  I don't feel deprived and do not feel I am constantly working to maintain my diet.

Am I happy?  YES!!  I can honestly say this has been the hardest thing I have ever done but it has been worth every moment of it.

Can I forget about dieting now that I've had surgery?

No, your view needs to change.  This is not a diet but a lifestyle that you will have to maintain forever. I do allow myself treats sometimes but it's different.  If I have a sweet it is a fraction of a piece and cannot happen on a daily basis.

on 7/2/13 12:56 pm - Milton, Canada

on 7/2/13 1:00 pm - Sacramento, CA
Well, you look magnificent! Wtg!

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



Missy A.
on 7/2/13 1:13 pm - NC
RNY on 08/17/12

Thank you for sharing. I'm almost 11 months out down 135 lbs and often wonder what my life will be like in a few years. I have severe back pain to this day, but the steroid injections take the edge off of the pain for a little while. I exercise 3-5 x weekly, but still have pain. I also suffer from Fibro and the weightloss doesn't seem to have helped that, but overall I feel a lot better and a lot healthier. 

Congrats on a successful journey! You look fantastic!


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

on 7/2/13 1:35 pm - Milton, Canada

 Missy, Congrats on your success to date!  You have already lost a whole person!  I included the whole story in the hopes that others could identify with  the situation.  The back pain took a long time to settle down.  I had herniated discs, so the situation is different.  Fibro is hard to manage in anyone.  Keep up the good work and plugging away with the exercise.  If you can find someone to give you advice that might help.  For me it was a kinesiologist.  

Best of Luck!

on 7/2/13 2:15 pm - WA
RNY on 08/29/12

Didnt fall for the shortcut, I read every single word-and WOW !!   Sometimes I feel it is too easy-and reading posts like this reminds me that even though the journey has been easy so far, I still have to "work it" - as these are the most important months to relearn/retrain/rethink all those prior bad habits and that this is for the rest of my life.   I'm also 10 months in - and down 132 pounds, and still want to lose another 78 pounds - but short term, another 18 pounds by August 28th which is my 1 year !!   You look so great!!   Congratulations on your success and maintenance! 

on 7/2/13 3:32 pm - CA
RNY on 06/11/12

Thank you for posting. Congratulations on a job well done!!! You look so happy!!!




E R.
on 7/2/13 5:23 pm - Switzerland

Thank you for sharing your journey. Your story is very motivating, especially for our newbies, who still have a way to go. 

You look amazing!

RNY:  4 June 2013


on 7/2/13 10:23 pm - Brighton, IL

Thanks so much for sharing your story. I am 10 months out now and down 132 pounds. I hope I can maintain as well as you have! Congrats!



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