Sleep Apnea, Smoking and Surgery Dates

on 6/6/13 5:58 am - PA

Hey everyone!

I have 2 questions today.

#1) Has anyone been delayed in surgery because of sleep apnea? I spoke to my drs' Scheduler today and she told me if I need a CPAP machine that the dr. will not perform surgery until I loose some weight. I don't understand why this is so if some people have surgery because of the sleep apnea.

#2) How long did you have to quit smoking before surgery? I plan on going cold turkey when I return from vacation next month for good - not just pre-surgery. I have to be "clean" for 2 months prior. How long did you have to be clean for? Did you go back, and if so, did it cause you any problems?

I was told in my information session that the some doctors actually test for nicotine. I was HAPPY to hear that mine does as this will prevent me from "cheating". I would never lie to someone performing major surgery on me about anything that might affect my breathing anyway but I like this added measuree to keep me honest. After surgery, I'll be too scared of ulcers and delaying my healing process to start again. Funny, how I, the person that is so scared of cancer will not stop smoking for that reason but will because I'm afraid of an ulcer. LOL

Larry Wassmann
on 6/6/13 6:10 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12

I had to take my APAP machine with me to the hospital or they would not have done the surgery. Have you not been tested for sleep apnea? If not get it done soon. Mine went away 6 month out but you should go and have tests done. It is nothing to fool around with. And do I have to tell you about smoking??? from a former 3 pack a day chain smoker. Quite cold turkey many years ago, had to quite drinking at the same time. One led to the other. Best thing I ever did. I am sure I would not be here today had I not stopped.

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on 6/6/13 6:27 am - PA

Thanks... I am scheduled for the apnea test on 7/18. Such a long way out it feels like forever. I've quit cold turkey before. It's not that I don't think I "can" again. I just don't want to. I know... that's bad. SMH @ myself. I never smoke at work unless a coworker asks me to go out with her when she smokes. I dont' miss it during the work day or if someone is around that I don't want to know I smoke so I'll just pretend like I'm at work all the time and not smoke.

As for the drinking, my smoking and drinking go hand in hand (most of the time). I know that the alcohol is full of empty calories and honestly drink as much as I do because of the depression about the weight. I am SO looking forward to a new happier healthier life and I know smoking and drinking do not fit into it. Besides, I want to run again and between the weight and the smoking, I know that's not an easy feat right now.

I had been back and forth, up and down, a lot lately about if I was going to do this and if so which surgery I would chose so now that I'm confident that I'm going to do this and most likely going to get RNY (will ultimately go with what the doc thinks is best) now I have these minor details getting in the way. UGH!

on 6/6/13 6:10 am
My surgeon required testing for sleep apnea prior to surgery and since I have it, I had to ake my CPAP machine with me to the hospital. FYAi--I had to get an adapter for it so I could be on oxygen and the CPAP at the same time.
Smoking?? I never was a smoker, but I know my surgeon tested for it. He also said the risks of ulcers is high, if people revert to smoking again post-op. he would operate on them if he thought they were likely to resume smoking post-op.
on 6/6/13 6:29 am - PA

Thanks! So do they have you use the machine while you are under anesthesia during the surgery? If I do have it, I think its mild (if there is such a thing). Lately, my husband said I began snoring really loud. I don't choke but do wake up tired with a dry throat and hardly ever sleep during the night. This sounds really dumb but if I do have this issue related to my weight, it will make me feel even better about my decision. If it slows down my process for surgery, I'll be pissed. But I'm in this for the long haul and ready to jump through whatever hoops they throw my way.

on 6/6/13 6:05 pm
I used my CPAP after I was in my hospital room (post surgery & recovery). I was told that during my sleep study I had over 80 breathing episodes per hour. I had zero idea. I snore, which became worse as I gained weight, but it's better now. Good luck!!
on 6/6/13 6:31 am - PA

Oh yeah, as for the smoking post-op,  I don't see the point. If I stop again, I'll make it for good. I want to run a half marathon someday and live a long time. I do, however, know that ALL of the people I know personally that smoked pre-op resumed again after "they felt" they were healed (usually 6 months to a year later). I'm not planning on being one of those people.

on 6/6/13 6:13 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 05/21/13

Sleep apnea is a very serious condition, left untreated can cause a cardiac arrest, which I had.

If you have sleep apnea you need to get on with the cpap treatment prior to surgery, once your ideal levels are regulated, then they will book surgery. All patients no matter what type of surgery is involved, if they have sleep apnea, it must be regulated or they will not do a surgery. Loosing weight, that's your surgeons protocol I guess, but the cpap is because anesthesiologist's will not perform surgery as I said unless its controlled.

As far as the smoking goes, I am not sure as each surgeon is different with this. 

Starting weight: 334 lbs.Starting opti weight: 323 lbs, Surgery weight 303 lbs.Surgery-May 21st, 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH Goal weight 165 lbs reached at 13 months. Current weight 156 lbs


on 6/6/13 6:33 am - PA

I hope I don't have it so I don't have to wait for any regulation of levels. But if I do, I'll have to deal with it. I know I got myself into this super morbid obese state all on my own and it didn't happen overnight. I guess I have to pipe down becuse I probably will not come out of it overnight. When I quit smoking before, I did snack more and that added to my weight. All these years, I haven't quit again because I feared that I would only get even heavier. Part of it is probably just a cop out on my part and maybe I even subconsciously ate more when I wasn't smoking to justify resuming. IDK. I'm tempted to go find another surgeon. I will not smoke after surgery regardless. I just figured they should let me enjoy my last few months of nicotine before I wave goodbye forever.

on 6/6/13 10:17 pm, edited 6/6/13 10:19 pm

They told me I had sleep apnea and made me get a machine even though I only tested 5.8 with 5 being normal.  I was mad that I had to have the cpap and quite frankly never did wear the thing, mainly cause it made me look like I was getting ready to explore and unknown planet and secondly there was no way I could sleep with that thing blowing air in my face all night.  I can't even explain what it felt like when you tried to talk with that mask on.  LOL first time my 11 year old saw me with the mask she said, "wow, mom are you waiting for chemical warfare to start or have you been reading those zombie plague books again?"


As for the surgeon said he might test for nicotine so I went ahead and quit.  It will be a year July 21st but I have to say I still crave.  I wonder if that will ever go away...


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